Her initial toxin test also showed freon, asbestos, copper, mercury, Sal-
monella , Shigella dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus Positive.
Her first instructions were to go off all the supplements she had been
taking. They could be polluted with isopropyl alcohol. She should learn to
use the Syncrometer and test them herself later. Her therapist agreed to do
this herself since she had given the advice to take them.
Continue the parasite program, complete with niacinamide, zap daily.
Change her water pipes to PVC. Change her amalgam to composite [at that
time we were not aware of the hazards of dental plastic]. Start the freon re-
moval program, but first get a new non-freon refrigerator; also test the car
dust for freon. Take turmeric and fennel to get rid of Shigella. Take Lugol’s
iodine, 6 drops in a half glass of water four times a day after meals and bed-
time to eliminate Salmonella. Stop wearing a regular bra (athletic bra okay)
to improve circulation of lymphatic fluid under the breast.
“Is that all?” she said. “Is that all I have to do to get rid of these,
ugh...lumps. And I don’t have to have that needle?” Her extreme anxiety
was visible. But her therapist’s determination to be successful was just as
Janelle had also brought a blood test, done at the time of her mammo-
gram. Nothing was abnormal, yet, except uric acid. It was much too low
(2.5), showing a lack of glutamine. The enzyme, glutaminase, is stimulated
by malonic acid and would decrease the level of glutamine. (Later we dis-
covered the complete absence of purines, accompanying Clostridium infec-
tion, as well as absence of glutamic acid.) She was given glutamine, 500 mg,
one a day for 5 days [although our present choice is glutamic acid].
She was eager to get all these things done and planned to come back in
two months. When she came she brought a list of her accomplishments:
She was on the maintenance parasite program.
She had been on the kidney program four weeks.
She had zapped daily.
She had been on Lugol’s for six days so far.
She was still on the freon program.
Electronic testing now found benzene, wood alcohol, isopropyl alcohol
Negative. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) was Positive (good!) at the breast.
Malonic acid was Positive, and assumed to be due only to tapeworm stages,
so she was given CoQ10. GSSG (oxidized glutathione) was Positive at the
breast and GSH (reduced glutathione) was Negative. This is opposite to what
it should be.
Copper was still Positive at the breast; this would certainly oxidize glu-
tathione. She had not changed her copper water pipes yet, in the hope that a
new device she had purchased to clean her water would take it out. It did not.
She had not completed her dental work yet.
A month later, she followed up with a visit; she was bloated and uncom-
fortable. And she still had twinges of pain going to the breast. Testing
showed Salmonella typhimurium Positive at the whole body. She was re-