Her arm was getting to a critical size and the fluid could get infected; we
doubled our efforts to get quick results. The breast felt hard all around it, as
if there were a submerged shelf.
The first day she was started on coenzyme Q10, 4 grams per day for 7
days in a row. (This dose gave very good results with everyone; only the
expense caused us to reduce its use later on.) She was to be off all dairy
foods to prevent picking up harmful bacteria, off grocery store bread and
nuts and off most fruit to avoid getting mycotoxins. She was to go off the
benzene and isopropyl alcohol lists immediately, do the parasite program
regularly and zap daily. She was to start on Lugol’s iodine to kill Salmonella
and the kidney herb recipe to drain water from her body (diuresis).
She had already changed her amalgams to composite; how could she
still have mercury and thallium? It could be left in tiny amounts, tattoos; or
remnants could be covered over with composite. She still had some gold in
her mouth; she did not want to replace it quite yet. She was started on glu-
tathione, and given a drug diuretic, spironolactone, one a day.
An ultrasound of the breast was done to show us the starting situation;
there were 3 tumors. Even her IV therapy was started the first day. It in-
cluded calcium, magnesium, vitamin B-complex, laetrile, DMSO, and vita-
min C. Before these supplements, though, 3 doses of EDTA were given to
pull the copper and other heavy metals out of her. Her IVs cost her $330.00
per day.
3 roundish tumors (white areas) in right breast (mama der.) and
armpit (at right edge of picture).
Apr 11 initial ultrasound of breast