causing disappearance of vitamin A-related body chemi-
cals. Vitamin A is a growth regulator!
- Fast Green , also called Food Green 3 , a dye that is le-
gitimately used to color fruits; it penetrates the entire
fruit. The dye is evidently contaminated with lanthanide
metals since these accompany the dye and are eaten with
bananas, grapefruit, eggplant, cucumbers, etc. - Urethane, a pollutant from the plastics industry (com-
monly seeping from plastic teeth); it is a potent tumor
former.^50 - Hydroxyurea , associated with Ascaris. It kills white
blood cells. (Used for this purpose as treatment for some
leukemias!) It combines with ribonucleotide reductase. - Cycloheximide, associated with tapeworm larvae; it in-
hibits protein formation in you, but assists viruses. - Acrolein and acrylic acid , made by overheating oils or
seeping from plastic teeth, but large amounts produced by
Ascaris larvae. Induces DNA overproduction. - No doubt all the environmental carcinogens we have
been told about, like tobacco smoke, pesticides, and sac-
charine, are now headed toward the handicapped organ
too. There is no detoxifying ability there and no immu-
nity; they must simply pile up there.
So, instead of getting help from the rest of the body in re-
sponse to its cries, the tiny mass, trying desperately to throw off
its bacteria and heal, is getting malicious metals and merciless
mutagens sent its way. Yet, it must struggle on, whipped by
thiourea, choked by malonic acid and dyes, constantly tripped
by mutations. It will not grow into an uncontrolled tumor,
though, as long as it can still self-destruct (apoptose ) as fast as it
multiplies. This is the state of a wart.
(^50) Mirvish, S.S., The Carcinogenic Action and Metabolism of Urethan and N-
Hydroxyurethan, Advan. Cancer Res., v. 11, 1968, pp. 1-42.