Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

Of primary significance are food molds. These cause brain
hemorrhages. Clean up diet, mouth, body, environment, very
Of course, an elderly person cannot bring these changes to
herself or himself. If you have a loved one with symptoms of
aging, and this person is willing to cooperate with you, you can
honestly promise them numerous improvements. Spend a good
deal of your effort on persuasion since living longer or being
healthier may not seem worth giving up a coffee and doughnut
breakfast. On the other hand, they might respond to the goal of
needing fewer pills, getting into their own apartment again or
becoming freed from a walker.

Walter Heffern, 64, had been to various neurologists but could not find
any help. He appeared to have the same kind of mental deteriora-
tion as his mother, but at a much earlier age. He couldn't under-
stand an ordinary conversation; he constantly spoke about winning
money, walked hesitantly and had to be left undisturbed to
accomplish anything—even eating and dressing. He needed a lot
of care. We found he had Ascaris larvae in the brain—in the
cerebrum, where you think. He also had Acanthocephala, Dipe-
talonema (a chicken roundworm), amoeba (Entamoeba histo-
lytica) and Fischoedrius in the thinking part of his brain. He had
been in the poultry business all his life: his mother probably shared
this exposure, as well as other lifestyle habits that gave them
solvents and pollutants besides parasites. He had constant ringing
in his ears, this could affect hearing an ordinary conversation. He
had a water softener that would have supplied a daily dose of
aluminum to the brain, too. There always were dogs in the house.
Perhaps the marvel is that he was no worse off, a tribute to human
strength in general.

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