Page 121 However, I’d like to step back for a moment and look at the bigger picture; the whole subject of electromagnetic fields ...
Page 122 field (volts per square metre or Teslas) or a third kind of interference field I shall describe shortly. Good ones are ...
Page 123 Dirty Electricity I’d also like to describe a newly recognized hazard from electromagnetic fields and mains electricity ...
Page 124 receive a significant electrical charge. Clearly this makes a nonsense of earthing your electrical equipment to the wat ...
Page 125 The safest of all headsets are those which include a short section of the air at you to carry the sound to your ear. Th ...
Page 126 work so many hours in an EMF field without it (it also a great investment for long distance driving and jet lag, by the ...
Page 127 #34. Fields of Life Saxton Burr and Georges Lakhovsky This section should be read in conjunction with my book Virtual M ...
Page 128 Lakhovsky was an investigative genius, born in 1869 and his seminal book The Secret Of Life was published in 1925. That ...
Page 129 between the body’s cells and microbes. If the radiations of the microbe win, disease and death will result. If the cell ...
Page 130 radiations. He took a series of Geranium plants inoculated with the Bacterium tumefaciens (=tumour making) which causes ...
Page 131 The oscillator was picking up and damping all kinds of atmospheric radiations. He bewails that, even in his day, so man ...
Page 132 #35. The Rife Machine. Now it’s time to look at probably the greatest and most exact and workable cancer cure of all ti ...
Page 133 Even more amazingly, he saw that when a Tubercle bacillus was destroyed, it split into many smaller living particles, h ...
Page 134 This killing disruption was called electroporation, and led to the cell’s immediate malfunction and death. The fatal fr ...
Page 135 It’s true that Morris Fishbein, editor of the Journal of the AMA tried to buy into Rife’s company Beam Ray and became v ...
Page 136 Remember, by this time radio stations were springing up all over the US and the FCC developed strict guidelines as to w ...
Page 137 I think it will work and work well. It’s in trial now. The real question is “Will the cancer industry allow it?” They m ...
Page 138 #36. Geopathic Stress Now we must include a topic often coupled with discussion of electromagnetic phenomenon and that’ ...
Page 139 The disturbance phenomenon may account for ‘cold’ spots in houses, which as many people are aware do not always relate ...
Page 140 In 1988 I paid for re-publication of her book in English, out of my own pocket. I considered the gesture was important. ...
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