Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

(singke) #1
augmented,  Map,    Filter  and Reduce, Glossary

item,   Strings Are Immutable,  Lists   Are Mutable,    Tuples  Are Immutable

tuple,  Tuple   Assignment, Tuples  as  Return  Values, Lists   and Tuples, Glossary

assignment statement, Assignment Statements

attribute, Debugging, Interface and Implementation

class,  Class   Attributes, Glossary

initializing,   Debugging

instance,   Attributes, Glossary,   Class   Attributes, Glossary

__dict__,   Debugging

AttributeError, Debugging, When I run the program I get an exception.

augmented assignment, Map, Filter and Reduce, Glossary

Austen, Jane, Word Histogram

average case, Analysis of Algorithms

average cost, Hashtables


badness, Order of Growth

base case, Stack Diagrams for Recursive Functions, Glossary

benchmarking, Data Structures, Glossary

BetterMap, Hashtables

big, hairy expression, I’ve got a big hairy expression and it doesn’t do what I expect.

Big-Oh notation, Order of Growth, Glossary

binary search, Exercises

bingo, Exercises

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