Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1

you’ve done so by disguising them in a whole lot of pretty talk.
It’s like grape-flavored cough syrup; it’s still medicine, but it’s
just going to taste better going down.
Now, I should add that while men appreciate it when women
let them know up front what they require in a relationship, I
firmly believe women need to step back every once in a while
and let the man show you what he’s made of—you know, prove
that he’s worthy of your time. I really do believe one of the big-
gest mistakes women make early on in the relationship is laying
out in full detail all the things you love a man to do for you,
without giving him a chance to show you what he’s willing to do
for you. I mean, it’s nice and all that you like long walks by the
beach, and chocolate on Valentine’s Day, and you favor lilies in
the summertime. But how, exactly, do you find out how cre-
ative, exciting, or giving a man is if you give him the blueprint
for how to coax a smile on to your face, without requiring him
to figure some of this out on his own? Be sure of this: if you tell
a man you like red roses at work, dinner at that special restaurant
across town, and Chanel bags for your birthday, that is exactly
what he will give you—nothing less, but certainly nothing more.
And you’ll be happy about it—at first. But then give it about
forty-five days or so, and he’s going to stop doing what you told
him you like because he’ll have figured he did what he needed
to do to get what he wanted. And you will think that because he
stopped, he changed. And you’ll go tell your girlfriends, “I don’t
know what happened—he used to do everything I like.”

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