Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1

you. You have a right to know. Oh, trust me, he thought some-
thing about you when he first walked up to you, and you need
to know what it is. He was attracted to something—he liked
your hair, your eyes, your legs, your outfit. He didn’t walk over
there just to be walking. Beyond the initial attraction, however,
men pretty much know if you’re the kind of woman they’re
going to sleep with and keep it moving, or if they’re going to
stick around and see if they want more. This, you will be able
to tell by his answers.
Listen to his answer closely. I assure you this is how it will
go, because every man will answer this question the same exact
way: “I think you’re great, I think you’d make a great mom,
you’re fun, kind, you’re really beautiful, you turn me on, you’re
energetic, outgoing, a hard worker, very smart. I think you’re
the kind of woman I could see myself with,” all of that generic
stuff we know you want to hear. Still, this isn’t the answer you
should be looking for. You want specifics. You want to know
that he’s really thought about you beyond the surface. So do
the follow-ups. “Oh, you think I’m kind? What about me
makes you think I’m kind?” Then sit back and listen. If he
can’t give you a concrete example of how you’ve shown your
kindness, he’s not really thinking about you beyond the sur-
face. But if he says, “You remember that time when it was my
mom’s birthday and you called me and reminded me to pick up
a card for her? That was really nice.” If he tells you he thinks
you’re a great mom, make him tell you what it is about you

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