Scientific American - February 2019
main advantage is preventing the damage from occurring in the first place,” Waddington says. With other genetic diseases, the ef ...
much more difficult to address with postnatal gene therapy than has haemophilia B. One major issue is that the protein involved ...
A genetically augmented future Gene therapy could one day be used for bodily enhancement, creating an ethical minefield for phys ...
BY LIAM DREW T he seizures of around one-third of people with epilepsy are resistant to avail- able medicines — a statistic that ...
interest in the second neuropeptide, galanin. Whereas NPY suppressed neurotransmis- sion in human tissue, galanin did nothing — ...
BY ANNA NOWOGRODZKI E lliott Vichinsky estimates that at least 30% of his adult patients with sickle- cell disease die from prev ...
are then reinfused into the person around a day later, and their immune system regains its strength slowly. “It takes about thre ...
BY KAT ARNEY I t’s not often that a figure in a scientific paper can make you wince with pain. But it’s impossible to look at fi ...
As well as detailing Hassan’s progress, the paper^1 reveals why the treatment was a success. The skin is made up of many differe ...
BY AMANDA KEENER O utbreaks of infectious disease are becoming more common in many parts of the world. Between 1980 and 2010, th ...
the blood of people who survived infection. Inovio is not alone. Several groups of researchers have produced monoclonal anti- bo ...
BY NEIL SAVAGE L uk Vandenberghe walks over to a shelf in his office and picks up two fist-sized objects. One is a more complica ...
disorder called Usher syndrome that causes deafness and visual impairment^3. Excited by the potential of such a vector, Vandenbe ...
BY ERIC BENDER SAM FALCONER S18 OUTLOOK GENE THERAPY REGULATING A REVOLUTION Health authorities wade into the flood of gene ther ...
F or rare genetic diseases that affect the young, such as a neuro degenerative condition called spinal muscular atrophy, gene th ...
Research in Silver Spring, Maryland, which oversees gene therapies. “Quite often people develop things on the lab bench at a ver ...
G ene therapy offers the possibility of a cure for previously untreatable diseases. But although the science and technol- ogy be ... ...
February 2019, 71 RECOMMENDED By Andrea Gawrylewski ANUP SHAH Getty Images Nature’s Mutiny: How the Littl ...
72 Scientific American, February 2019 THE INTERSECTION S A S Illustration by Jay Bendt Zeyne ...
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