Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

Polyuria increase in urine production
Pons varolii bridge that connects the spinal cord with the
brain and parts of the brain with each other^
Popliteal artery the name of the femoral artery at the knee
Popliteal vein the name of the posterior tibial vein at the knee
Popliteus muscle that flexes and rotates the leg
Posterior toward the back
Posterior gray horn part of the spinal cord; also known as
dor-sal gray horn^
Posterior interventricular sulcus separates the left and
right^ ventricles externally^
Posterior root the sensory root containing only sensory nerve
fibers; also known as dorsal root^
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) series of symptoms that
-develop in many women during the premenstrual phase of the
menstrual cycle^
Premolars teeth with two projections or cusps; bicuspid teeth
Prepuce foreskin; a section of loose skin covering the glans

Presbyopia a decrease in the ability of the eye to accommo-
date for near vision^
Primary fibrositis inflammation of the fibrous connective
tissue- in a joint^
Primary oocytes produced by mitotic division of female
stem^ cells or oogonia^
Primary spermatocytes produced by mitotic division of

-immature sperm cells or spermatogonia^
Primary structure protein structure based on amino acid
Process any obvious bone
projection Progesterone female
sex hormone
Prokaryotic refers to cells that do not have membrane-bound
organelles, such as bacteria^
Pronation moving the bones of the forearm so that the radius
and ulna are not parallel^
Pronator quadratus muscle involved in pronating the
forearm Pronator teres muscle involved in pronating the
forearm Prophase the first phase of mitosis
Prophase I the first stage of the first meiotic division
Prophase II in each of the two daughter cells produced in the
first meiotic division, the nuclear membrane disappears but no
duplication of DNA occurs^
Prostate cancer cancer of the prostate gland that can be fatal
if not detected^
Prostate gland secretes an alkaline fluid that is part of the

Prostatic urethra surrounded by the prostate gland
Protein covalently bonded amino acids composed of carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen^
Protein synthesis process in which cells produce proteins
Prothrombin plasma protein produced by the liver that is in-
volved in blood clotting
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