MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019
ketone; and choice (C), a carboxylic acid, cannot form additional bonds to oxygen because they have four ...
In This Chapter 5.1 Description and Properties Nomenclature Physical Properties 5.2 Reactions of Alcohols Oxidation ...
Chapter Profile The content in this chapter should be relevant to about 15% of all questions about Organic Ch ...
Methanol (wood alcohol), for example, is oxidized by the body to formic acid, which is extremely toxic ...
5.1 Description and Properties LEARNING GOALS After Chapter 5.1, you will be able to: Predict the relative pKa ...
Figure 5.1. IUPAC Names of Alcohols Alternatively, the common naming practice is to name the alkyl group as ...
KEY CONCEPT Aromatic alcohols are called phenols. The possible resonance between the ring and the lone pairs ...
Hydrogen bonding occurs when hydrogen atoms are attached to highly electronegative atoms like nitrogen, oxy ...
stabilization of the negative charge on oxygen, stabilizing the anion. Like other alcohols, phenols form inte ...
Rank the following by decreasing boiling point: 1-pentanol, 1-hexanol, 1,6-hexanediol 2. 3. ...
5.2 Reactions of Alcohols LEARNING GOALS After Chapter 5.2, you will be able to: Predict the reaction of pr ...
carbon–carbon bond. The oxidation of primary alcohols with a strong oxidizing agent like chromium(VI) wi ...
mesylates and tosylates. A mesylate is a compound containing the functional group –SO 3 CH 3 , derived from ...
other functionalities in the molecule, the acetal or ketal can be reverted back to a carbonyl with aqueous ...
What is the purpose of a mesylate or tosylate? How can aldehydes or ketones be protected using alcohols? ...
5.3 Reactions of Phenols LEARNING GOALS After Chapter 5.3, you will be able to: Recall the process for product ...
Figure 5.12. Oxidation of p-Benzenediol (a Hydroquinone) to a Quinone Quinones are named by indicating the posi ...
These molecules can be further oxidized to form a class of molecules called hydroxyquinones. Hydroxyquinones ...
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