MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019
One final group of carboxylic acid derivatives is the anhydrides. In the formation of an anhydride from two ca ...
Amide: Anhydride: Name the following compound: ...
1.5 Summary of Functional Groups LEARNING GOALS After Chapter 1.5, you will be able to: Apply appropriate pref ...
Table 1.2. Major Functional Groups * Note: Alkenes and alkynes are considered to be tied for priority except i ...
Conclusion Now that we’ve worked through nomenclature, we should be able to navigate MCAT organic chemistry ...
Concept Summary IUPAC Naming Conventions Hydrocarbons and Alcohols The International Union of Pure and Applied Che ...
Aldehydes and Ketones Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives Alcohols contain a hydroxyl (–OH) group, which substi ...
Summary of Functional Groups Carboxylic acids are the highest-priority functional group because they contain thre ...
Answers to Concept Checks 1.1 Find the longest carbon chain in the compound with the highest-order functional ...
CH 4 Methane No alternative structures C 2 H 6 Ethane No alternative structures C 3 H 8 Propane No alternative structures C 4 ...
An aldehyde has a carbonyl group at the end of the chain. A ketone has a carbonyl group somewhere in th ...
Shared Concepts Organic Chemistry Chapter 4 Analyzing Organic Reactions Organic Chemistry Chapter 5 Alcohols Organic Ch ...
Discrete Practice Questions Consult your online resources for Full-Length Exams and Passage-Based Questions (for ...
(A) Propanoate (B) Propanol (C) Propanoic acid (D) Propanoic anhydride 4 . What is the highest-priority functional ...
6 . Which of the two possibilities below correctly numbers the carbon backbone of this molecule? (A) Numbering S ...
(A) (B) (C) (D) 8 . The common names for the aldehydes and carboxylic acids that contain only one carbon start w ...
9 . What is the IUPAC name for the following structure? (A) 2,5-dimethylheptane (B) 2-ethyl-5-methylhexane (C) 3,6 ...
(A) 3-methyl- (B) 2-methyl- (C) 2-hydroxy- (D) 3-hydroxy- 12 . NADH is a coenzyme that releases high-energ ...
(A) (B) (C) (D) 14 . Which of the following are common names for carboxylic acid derivatives? I. Acetic anhydri ...
(A) I and II only (B) I and III only (C) II and III only (D) I, II, and III 15 . Consider the name 2,3-diethylpe ...
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