MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019
Figure 2.10. Enantiomers of 1-Bromo-1-Chloroethane MCAT EXPERTISE Whenever you see a carbon with four differe ...
Figure 2.11. Rotation of an Achiral Molecule Enantiomers Enantiomers (nonsuperimposable mirror images) have the same ...
Figure 2.12. Polarizer BRIDGE While rotation of plane-polarized light can be tested in organic chemistry questions, ...
The amount of rotation depends on the number of molecules that a light wave encounters. This depends on two ...
will explore momentarily. These differences enable one to separate these products by common laboratory techn ...
also rotate plane-polarized light; however, knowing the specific rotation of one diastereomer gives no indica ...
Figure 2.14. Example of a Meso Compound As shown in this image, D- and L-tartaric acid are both optical ...
Briefly summarize the differences between enantiomers and diastereomers: Definition Same Physical Properties? Same Chemi ...
2.3 Relative and Absolute Configurations LEARNING GOALS After Chapter 2.3, you will be able to: Name cis, ...
Figure 2.15. (E) and (Z) Designations of Alkenes MNEMONIC Z = “z”ame side; E = “e”pposite side (R) AND (S) F ...
KEY CONCEPT When assigning priority, look only at the first atom attached to the chiral carbon, not at ...
Step 3: Draw a Circle Now, imagine drawing a circle connecting the substituents from number 1 to 2 to ...
KEY CONCEPT To determine the absolute configuration at a chiral center: FISCHER PROJECTIONS On the MCAT, one way ...
Figure 2.19. Manipulations of Fischer Projections Again, determining the (R)/(S) designation of a Fischer projection of ...
MCAT EXPERTISE Determine which option you prefer for Fischer projection (R)/(S) designation and stick with it. It’s ...
Conclusion Throughout this chapter, we’ve seen just how many different molecules can be derived from t ...
Concept Summary Structural Isomers Stereoisomers Structural isomers share only a molecular formula. They have ...
Relative and Absolute Configurations Optical activity refers to the ability of a molecule to rotate plane-polari ...
retains the stereochemistry. ...
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