
([email protected]) #1

Again, if he’s not willing to do anything about his
own issues, why should you care more than he does
and stay? It’s not going to work. There’s no point in
beating a dead horse. He’s not even willing to try to
do his part and improve himself.

Let me illustrate this point further and show you
how ridiculous it is to accept his excuses for not
wanting to work on himself. Let’s say you want to
hear from him more often. Let’s say you feel like he
doesn’t call you enough. You want to feel like he’s
thinking about you and that he’s considering you
when you all are not together. Calling you is the way
he can show you that. It would make you happier
and bring the two of you closer together in your
relationship. It’s a win-win.

You say to him, “Baby, listen, I want to hear from
you more often. I wish you would call me at least
twice daily.”

He responds to your very sensible request by
saying, “Listen, I think I call you enough already. I
only feel comfortable calling you once a day. I don’t
know what you want me to do. I don’t get how
we’re supposed to fix this. This is just the way I am.”

HE SAYS He Loves You, but He Doesn’t Show It 53

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