
([email protected]) #1

addressing in that moment. There’s a larger problem
present, a lack of trust.

Let`s leave that alone for the moment. Again,
always strive to communicate with him in a calm
and loving manner when you express your concerns
and needs. As I’ve said before, how he handles that
will tell you everything you need to know. If he’s not
willing to embrace how you feel and do something
about it, if he’s not open to correcting his behavior
and what’s in his control, there’s a problem.

If you’re thinking to yourself, “Well, maybe I
should just keep loving him and pouring into him
and doing for him, it will help him come around.
Eventually, he’ll show me the love I need in return.”

Wrong. Listen, your loving him is not going to be
enough. Here’s why: “You’ll never be good enough
for the wrong person.” If you’re dealing with the
wrong man, then loving him is not the cure. Take a
moment and consider this, ask yourself, “Do we even
have a deep and genuine connection?”

If you follow my Stephan Speaks podcast or me
on social media, you know I’m big on genuine
connection being a necessary part of a successful

HE SAYS He Loves You, but He Doesn’t Show It 55

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