
([email protected]) #1

She decides to tell Justin it’s over. He responded
to her ending it, by lashing out at her. He showed
no remorse or desire to reconcile and try to keep the
relationship intact. Realizing she couldn’t win the
final argument and didn’t care, she removed herself
from the situation and was looking forward to being
newly single.

A few days go by, Justin sends her a text. A few
days after that he calls her and continues to call until
she picks up. He wants another chance. The begging
and pleading began. He was relentless with it. He
says things are going to be different. Things are going
to get better. He promises her he is going to do right
this time.

Kate takes him back.
They try again. A month goes by. No incidents.
However, by month two, he starts up again with
wanting to argue all the time and starts back up with
the disrespectful behavior. It constantly ended up
being an issue of some kind with him that he felt he
could take out on her.

They break up again.

HE Won’t Let You Go, but That Doesn’t Mean He Loves You 65

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