
([email protected]) #1

continuously give him the benefits of being with
you, when technically he’s not really with you
because he’s not fully committed to a relationship.

He knows if he calls you enough, texts you, pops
up at your door, does the extra stuff, you’ll
eventually give in and that’s all he’s waiting for. He’s
just waiting for you to give in one more time. He’s
hoping to catch you in a vulnerable moment. He’ll
say what he knows you like to hear. He’ll do
whatever it takes to put a temporary smile on your
face to manipulate you into taking him back. Even
though he’s still not going to do what he’s supposed
to do. He’s hoping to wear you down into
submission. It’s convenient for him and less work
than finding someone new to conquer.

When he gets you back, he doesn’t even have to
put in the full effort to stay around. His “good”
behavior might last for a good month or two. Then
it’s going to be the same ole, same ole, becoming an
on-going, never-ending cycle. It’s going to be up to
you to say, “No. Enough is enough.” How you ask?
Good question.

Let me give you some quick tips on closing the
door completely.

HE Won’t Let You Go, but That Doesn’t Mean He Loves You 71

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