CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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negave beliefs you’ve developed in your past. It becomes this
terrible self-fulfilling prophecy that colored your thinking, distorted
your percepons and led you down a destrucve path.
The first step in changing relaonship anxiety is to idenfy and get
to know your crical inner voice. What is it telling you? You have
to idenfy and acknowledge this inner voice, but you must
remember that this thought process, this crical inner voice is not
a reflecon of reality. It is a viewpoint you adopted based on
destrucve early life experiences and atudes directed toward
you that you’ve internalized as your own point of view. You must
learn how to catch yourself each and every me these negave
thoughts creep into your mind.

2. Challenge and Disprove Your Crical Beliefs

The next step involves aacking your crical beliefs on an
intellectual level.
In order to do this, you must prove that it's not true. You must
cast doubt on the validity of your beliefs. Because as long as you
believe these things are true you'll not be able to change. So, to
disprove your negave schemas, you'll first list them on a sheet of
paper, and then write all of the evidence supporng each belief.
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