Using this test along with a promise to act as your own best friend
will dras cally reduce the possibility of entering into unhealthy
rela onships or situa ons. Your new perspec ve will foster a new
awareness of your rela onship with yourself and make it possible
to recognize the things that are undermining your well-being,
happiness, and success in all aspects of your life.
6. Don’t Ignore Your Best Friend’s Advice
We’ve all been there... hearing that li le voice in our head telling
us that something just isn’t right, but choosing to ignore it in favor
of what we want. It’s the D word - Denial. Our brains use
self-jus fica on and self-decep on to manipulate our thoughts
and behaviors to explain, defend, and protect us from recognizing
unacceptable truths. And when we blind ourselves to our true
mo va ons and feelings, we unwi ngly sabotage our own efforts
for happiness and sa sfying rela onships.
Don’t let it happen to you! Listen to what your best friend would
tell you... make the decision, and then act on it. Period.
Prac cing self-love can be challenging, especially in mes when
we are feeling hurt and facing difficult decisions. By implemen ng
these six ps, you are strengthening your love for yourself, and
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