USMLE Step 2 CK Lecture Notes 2019: Obstetrics/Gynecology (Kaplan Test Prep)
HYPERTHYROIDISM The underlying etiology of hyperthyroidism may be Graves' disease, toxic nodular goiter (Plummer's di ...
OB TRIAD Graves Disease Thyroid storm is a life-threatening hypermetabolic state presenting with pyrexia, tachy ...
NOTE Methimazole is an FDA pregnancy category D so should not be used in the first trimester (it is acceptab ...
HYPOTHYROIDISM Hypothyroidism is most commonly a primary thyroid defect and often results in anovulation and infert ...
OB TRIAD Hypothyroidism Diagnosis. Diagnosis is confirmed with an elevated TSH. Management. Increase supple ...
Table I-10-2. Thyroid Disorders in Pregnancy ...
SEIZURE DISORDERS A 25-year-old primigravida is 19 weeks’ gestation. She has a 10-year history of generalized seiz ...
medications. The effect of anticonvulsants on the fetus and infant is that congenital malformation rate increase ...
DIABETES A 32-year-old Hispanic multigravida is at 29 weeks’ gestation. Her 1-h 50-g glucose screen came back ...
Table I-10-3. Classification of Diabetes Mellitus by Pathophysiology Gestational Pregnancy onset Insulin resistan ...
Diagnosis. The 3-h OGTT is performed on all patients who have an abnormal screening test. Definitive diagnos ...
GENERAL MANAGEMENT ANTEPARTUM Antepartum glucose management The most significant factor in management of diabetic pre ...
Table I-10-5. Gestational Diabetes Questions Criteria/Problems Diag/Mgmt 1-hr 50g OGTT Screening test <140 mg/dL GD ...
Preconception anomaly management Antepartum fetal testing management trimester. Renal status. Obtain an early pregnan ...
increased in GDM because hyperglycemia is not present in the first half of pregnancy. Most common fetal anoma ...
GENERAL MANAGEMENT INTRAPARTUM Timing of delivery. Fetal maturity is often delayed in fetuses of diabetic mothers, ...
GENERAL MANAGEMENT POSTPARTUM Postpartum hemorrhage. Watch for uterine atony related to an overdistended uterus. Hypogly ...
NEONATAL ISSUES MANAGEMENT Hypoglycemia caused by persistent hyperinsulinemia from excessive prenatal transpla ...
ANEMIA An 18-year-old woman G3 P2 had prenatal laboratory tests drawn when she was seen for her first prena ...
IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA Iron deficiency anemia is a nutritional anemia resulting in decreased hemoglobin produc ...
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