A Handbook of Native American Herbs PDF EBook Download-FREE
PRICKLY ASH Xanthoxylum americanum COMMON NAMES: Yellow wood, toothache tree, suterberry. FEATURES: This beautifu ...
time throughout the day, more according to case. Of the tincture, 5–20 drops. EXTERNALLY: The powdered ...
RASPBERRY Rubus idaeus COMMON NAMES: American raspberry, wild red raspberry. FEATURES: A native to North Amer ...
of boiling water; steep at least 3 minutes. EXTERNALLY: The infusion is a valuable wash in sores, ulcers, ...
RED CLOVER Trzfohum pretense COMMON NAMES: Purple clover, trefoil, cleaver grass, cow grass. FEATURES: True clov ...
bronchial, and renal conditions. The warm tea is very soothing to the nerves. J. Kloss, in Back to Eden, gi ...
SAGE Salvia officinalis COMMON NAMES: Garden sage, wild sage. FEATURES: Sage is a name covering both t ...
this will usually stop the spitting of blood. For foul ulcers or old lesions use as indicated by case. Th ...
SANICLE Sanicula marilandica COMMON NAMES: Black snakeroot, pool root, American sanicle, wood sanicle. FEA ...
½ hour before meals. If hemorrhaging, it is best to refrain from food until bleeding stops. Of the ...
SARSAPARILLA Aralia nudicaulis COMMON NAMES: Red sarsaparilla, small spikenard, spignet, quay, quill. FEATURES: T ...
vomiting, and drink copiously of the tea. As an alterative tea it is best prepared with burdock (Arctium ...
SASSAFRAS Sassafras albidum COMMON NAMES: Saxifrax, saloop, ague tree, cinnamon wood. FEATURES: Sassafras is ...
CAUTION: Sassafrass oil taken internally can cause liver and kidney damage. DOSE: Infusion of 1 ounce of ...
SENEGA Polygala senega COMMON NAMES: Snakeroot, milkwort, rattlesnake root, mountain flax. FEATURES: Polygala is ...
rheumatism. DOSE: 1 teaspoonful of the root, cut small or granulated, to 1 cupful of boiling water. Of the tinc ...
SENNA Cassia marilandica COMMON NAMES: Wild senna, locust plant. FEATURES: Cassia is a genus of leguminous pla ...
SKULLCAP Scutellaria laterifolia COMMON NAMES: Blue skullcap, blue pimpernel, hoodwort, mad-dog weed, side flo ...
Tincture of lady’s slipper (Cypripedium pubescens), 10–20 drops Tincture of skullcap (Scutellaria laterifoli ...
SLIPPERY ELM Ulmus rubra COMMON NAMES: Slippery elm, red elm, Indian elm, American elm, moose elm. FEAT ...
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