BakedBeans& crispyBaconWarm apple& BlueBerrycompote100Calories``````98Calories``````Serves 2 Ready in 15 mins``````Q 1tbsp chopped onionQ 2 sprays FrylightQ 200g chopped tomatoesQ 75g cannellini beans, drained and rinsedQ 1tsp Worcestershire sauceQ 1 slice prosciuttoQ ½ slice Nimble bread, toastedmethod
1. Cook the onion with the Frylight and 1tbspwater in a small pan for 3-4 mins, until softened.Add the tomatoes and simmer for 5 mins,then stir in the beans and Worcestershiresauce and cook for a further 5 mins.2. Heat a non-stick frying pan and cook theprosciutto for 1 min on each side. Place on apiece of kitchen paper. Divide beans between2 plates and crumble over the prosciutto.Serve with a finger slice of the toast each.Serves 2 Ready in 10 minsQ 2 small apples, peeled and choppedQ 50g blueberriesQ 1cm piece root ginger, gratedQ 90ml Alpro Coconut OriginalQ Pinch cinnamon, to sprinklemethod1. Put the apple, blueberries, ginger andAlpro Coconut into a microwaveable bowland cook on high for 2 mins. Stir and cookfor another minute at a time until the appleis tender. Serve between 2 bowls, sprinkledwith cinnamon.