PLAN YOUR TRIP RESPONSIBLE TRAVEL Interact, But Don’t Endanger One way you can positively help people is to talk and talk and ta ...
PLAN YOUR TRIP RESPONSIBLE TRAVEL Charity & Direct-Aid Volunteerism Tourism isn’t going to fi x all of Myanmar’s problems, o ...
PLAN YOUR TRIP RESPONSIBLE TRAVEL supplies are lacking, buying them and handing them out to each of the students. » Foreign-made ...
Planning Your Trip Don’t Forget » Your visa » All-purpose electrical-plug adapter » Torch (flashlight) » Warm jacket for chilly ...
PLAN YOUR TRIP PLANNING YOUR TRIP Sometimes areas that were possible to visit with or without a permit, suddenly become off -lim ...
PLAN YOUR TRIP PLANNING YOUR TRIP two types of nicer rooms on upper fl oors. Some have lifts. Some keep their generators on 24 h ...
PLAN YOUR TRIP PLANNING YOUR TRIP Putting Together Your Own Package If you’re used to having a car at the airport waiting for yo ...
Around Yangon Temples Beaches Boats Temples For temples, the former capital of Bago (Pegu) would probably outdo just abo ...
PLAN YOUR TRIP REGIONS AT A GLANCE Southeastern Myanmar Caves Temples Culture Caves For those who love the dark side, ...
PLAN YOUR TRIP REGIONS AT A GLANCE Mandalay & Around Temples Culture Shopping Temples As Burma’s last royal capital, ...
© Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd. To make it easier for you to use, access to this chapter is not digitally restricted. In r ...
Why Go? Many travellers tend to give Yangon (rn'kun') short shrift, sacrifi cing the city for extra time in Myanmar’s high-profi ...
DANGERS & ANNOYANCES Yangon is an incredibly safe city: you are far less likely to be robbed here than almost any other big ...
38 YANGON Bus Terminal To Hliang Thar Yar Mandalay (400mi) Pyay (178mi); To Bago (48mi); (6.2mi) Bridge Thaketa Bridge Maha ...
39 (^) SIGHTSYANGON SIGHTS YANGON SIGHTS In late 2007 Yangon was the centre of huge nationwide fuel protests, which were led by ...
40 YANGON means leader, usually in a military sense, and tataung means 1000). For one six-month pe- riod this paya is said to ha ...
41 (^) SIGHTSYANGON SIGHTS YANGON SIGHTS every now and again a truly monstrous one sticks its head out of the water. A short wal ...
42 YANGON Independence Monument, an obelisk sur- rounded by two concentric circles of chinthe. For a year or two following the 1 ...
43 (^) SIGHTSYANGON SIGHTS YANGON SIGHTS ing features the original blue-and-white Star of David motif. Several colourful Hindu t ...
44 YANGON In the 15th century, the tradition of gild- ing the stupa began. Queen Shinsawbu, who was responsible for many improve ...
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