45 (^) SIGHTSYANGON SIGHTS YANGON SIGHTS earthquake damage on eight occasions. Worse was to follow in 1768, when a quake brought ...
46 YANGON the platform – unless your bare feet can take the heat of the uncovered marble paving. The Stupa & Its Treasures T ...
47 (^) SIGHTSYANGON SIGHTS YANGON SIGHTS The banana bud is the fi nal element of the zedi before the hti tops it. Like the lotus ...
48 YANGON monster-sized lazy reclining buddha you see today. One of Myanmar’s more beauti- ful reclining buddhas, the placid fac ...
49 (^) SIGHTSYANGON SIGHTS YANGON SIGHTS Several of the city’s embassies, clinics and smaller hotels are in the lake’s vicinity, ...
50 YANGON from Mogok (to the northeast of Manda- lay). The sapphire measures 6.7in in height, and is nearly 26lb in weight – thi ...
51 (^) COURSESYANGON COURSES YANGON COURSES ticularly comfortable three-hour trip around Yangon and the neighbouring countryside ...
52 YANGON that means guesthouses and hotels are still relatively cheap. There’s virtually nil in the way of fresh new faces, par ...
53 (^) SLEEPINGYANGON SLEEPING YANGON SLEEPING and services, leave to marinate with envi- ously attired and proportioned rooms a ...
54 YANGON 6 6 6 6 6 Theingyi Plaza CHINA TOWN YangonRiver New Bogyoke Market Open-Air Market Mahabandoola Garden Ko n Za y Da n ...
55 (^) SLEEPINGYANGON SLEEPING YANGON About halfway down this block you’ll see the 6 High Court Building on your right – in name ...
56 YANGON Beautyland Hotel II HOTEL $ (Map p 42 ; %240 054; http://www.goldenlandpages.com/ beauty; 188-192 33rd St; r $8-24;a) ...
57 (^) SLEEPINGYANGON SLEEPING YANGON SLEEPING Sunflower Hotel HOTEL $ (Map p 46 ; %240 014; http://www.myanmarsunflower -hotel. ...
58 YANGON on the other hand, may inspire a variety of thoughts and emotions. 5 Eating Eating at a Burmese restaurant, with it ...
59 (^) EATINGYANGON EATING YANGON EATING infl uenced South Indian dishes such as an insanely rich mutton curry, as well as meat- ...
60 YANGON Zawgyi House BURMESE, INTERNATIONAL $$ (Map p 46 ; 372 Bogyoke Aung San Rd; mains K2300- 7800; hall day;a) This coff e ...
61 (^) EATINGYANGON EATING YANGON EATING manner of grilled crab, oyster, shrimp, squid and shellfi sh, all for low prices. SK Ho ...
62 YANGON L’Opera Restaurant ITALIAN $$$ (Map p 38 ; %665 516; http://www.operayangon.com; 62D U Tun Nyein St; mains from $10; h ...
63 (^) EATINGYANGON EATING YANGON EATING Specialising in pizza and pasta, but with a few other dishes (sandwiches, salads, burg- ...
64 YANGON around the city. The Sule Paya Rd branch is the most central and offers fine, freshly brewed coffee and fruit smoothie ...
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