Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

(lu) #1


Responsible Children Feel

Good About Themselves

Even    children    make    themselves  known   by  their   acts,
by whether what they do is pure and right.
Proverbs 20:11

There are two types of kids in this world. One type gets up in the

morning, looks in the mirror, and says, “Hey, look at that dude. He’s all
right! I like that guy, and I bet other people will like him too.” The other
type, when he looks in the mirror, says, “Oh, no, look at that boy. I really
don’t like what I see, and I bet other people won’t like him either.”
Two radically different outlooks on life; two radically different self-
concepts. Children with a poor self-concept often forget to do homework,
bully other kids, argue with teachers and parents, steal, and withdraw into
themselves whenever things get rocky — irresponsible in all they do.
Children with a good self-concept tend to have a lot of friends, do their
chores regularly, and don’t get into trouble in school — they take
responsibility as a matter of course in their daily lives. Although this may
seem simplistic, there is a direct correlation between self-concept and
performance in school, at home, on the playground, or wherever children
may be. Kids learn best and are responsible when they feel good about

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