1-2-3 Magic: 3-Step Discipline for Calm, Effective, and Happy Parenting

(Marcin) #1

kids, don’t lecture on the way.
These negative experiences have quite an impact on most kids. If
the parents are consistent, don’t talk, and let the kids get burned, the
children will shape up in a few days. No “I told you so” comments are
allowed. Then things will be much more peaceful at home in the
morning and the kids will be much more responsible.
Some parents have used charting along with our natural
consequences program. If you decide to do this, make sure you praise
good performances (“It’s so much easier with you getting yourself up
in the morning!”) and review the chart at least once a week. You can
discuss the issue, listen, give brief suggestions, or make
modifications at times other than when the kids are getting ready in
the morning.

Facing Morning Routine Challenges

Before they’ve used this gutsy procedure, many parents think their
kids will be indifferent. Moms and dads think their children really
won’t care whether or not they get to school on time. Part of the
reason the grown-ups believe this is because the children have said so.
Never believe a child who says “I don’t care.” He usually means the
If you are skeptical about this up-and-out procedure, consider
trying this arrangement and see what happens. Most kids—not all, but
most—will shape up. The kids will get up and out on their own. The
most important rules are to keep quiet and be willing to let the
children suffer the consequences—more than once, if necessary. You
may want to let the school know what you’re doing. Most teachers
and principals will cooperate with you, especially if you explain your
purpose and label the procedure “independence training.”
What if you just don’t think you can stand it? Remember that you

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