Children\'s Mathematics
young learners. In the literature children are seen as needing to translate between the informal and formal mathematical languag ...
children’s knowledge of informal, ‘home’ mathematical marks and formal, written ‘school’ mathematics combine. This is similar to ...
play. This provides positive opportunities for children to use marks in the context of their play. When we carried out this rese ...
In classrooms where children are not given the opportunity to put their thoughts on paper, it never happens anyway. In such clas ...
How curious it must seem to a child beginning school, if so many of her early experi- ments with print are not recognised and un ...
they were short studies, the researchers were unable to analyse the development of children’s mathematical graphics (Gifford, 19 ...
1999b). Guidance for teachers in the NNS documents and on in-service courses encourages teachers to discuss children’s own menta ...
Mathematical graphics are more diverse, not only because children are not moving towards common forms of a written language such ...
that such tallies are only one of many iconic forms. Scarlett used circles to represent one group of teddies and squares to repr ...
standard symbols (numerals and ‘+’) for adding together the dots on the two dice she was throwing. This example contrasts with t ...
We have also explored the relationship between art and mathematical graphics and argue that children’s mathematical graphics app ...
As their thinking develops, children appear to progressively filter out everything but what is necessary to them at the time. Ea ...
of schemas, action, thought and marks are interrelated (Athey, 1990). It is only later that children differentiate their marks i ...
Figure 6.1 Melanie’s ladybird in neat little parcels in such a way. Young children also make meaning through actions, thought, r ...
Figure 6.2 In a bag – Cody Cody was making meaning about putting things inside: in the language of schemas we might say he was e ...
‘The beginning is everything’ – (Plato) Early marks Young children’s first marks – sometimes referred to as scribbles – are a ma ...
of these studies explored the relationship with children’s early mathematical marks and other, multi-modal, ways of representing ...
Figure 6.3a Molly’s numbers Figure 6.3b Alex’s numbers Making sense of children’s mathematical graphics 97 8657part 1b.qxd 04/07 ...
Figure 6.4a Jay’s eight Figure 6.4b Michelle’s number hunt Michelle’s number hunt alerts us to the difficulty of differentiating ...
drawing and writing. They are personal responses and communicate meaning (Clay, 1975). For example the children know that: numb ...
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