World Bank Document
Box 1. The World Bank’s ECD Program Lend funds for specific, approved ECD projects Accumulate and share knowledge about early c ...
The Bank’s Investment in Early Child Development Every year since 1990, the World Bank has increased its investment in ECD progr ...
Stimulate synthesis of research and evaluation of ECD pro- grams, including cost-benefit analyses—to better inform policy- make ...
120 attended in Shanghai. They addressed the impact of optimal development on children, families, the educational system, and th ...
ture Forum to host a World Culture Forum on early child develop- ment in Monterey, Mexico, in 2007. In Turkey National Advocacy ...
The evaluations are being designed to measure the impact of expo- sure to preschool interventions and social programs that targe ...
vative financing strategies. All of this action is balanced by research which continues to document the criticality of children’ ...
Stimulate National Policies and Plans.Heightened decisionmaking is needed to develop national educational plans and policies th ...
Conclusion Early child development must be part of every nation’s vision for the future. Further, ECD policies and investments m ...
References World Bank. 2002. Brazil: Early Child Development—A Focus on the Impact of Preschools. Report No. 22841-BR. Washingto ...
Part I Investment in ECD—Benefits for Society and Children ...
Chapter 1 A Productive Investment: Early Child Development Rob Grunewald and Arthur Rolnick* For well over 20 years, economic de ...
longitudinal ECD studies that are based on a relatively small number of at-risk children from low-income families demonstrate th ...
nesses. Previous studies have shown that the case for these subsidies is short-sighted and fundamentally flawed (Burstein and Ro ...
identify the educational investments that yield the highest public re- turns. Here the literature is clear— Dollars invested in ...
(adjusted for inflation) internal rates of return on these programs range from about 7 percent to above 16 percent annually. A r ...
31 percent increase in cognitive skills and an 18 percent in- crease in language skills. Hispanic children demonstrated a 54 per ...
A Market-Oriented Approach Programs such as Head Start and some other recent attempts to reach a large number of at-risk familie ...
ways to achieve a high degree of parent involvement. Mentor qualifi- cations would include ECD training, parent training, and co ...
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