Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Index 435

Goldsmith, Edward 402–3, 405–12
Goodman, Gordon 401
Goodwin, P. 344
Gordon, - 397
governance 8–10, 217–99
government intervention
conservation 20–1
extension 220
macroprojects 156–7
People’s Biodiversity Registers 204, 205–6
water cooperatives 81
watershed development projects 321–36
see also intervention strategies
Grameen Bank 332
grasslands 17–18
‘great transitions’ scenario 416
‘Green Box’ zone 347–9
Greenland 303–4, 313
Green Revolution 97–8, 322
groundwater 72
Group Learning Process 120–1
group methods 120–1, 261, 263, 266–7, 269–72,
Grove-White, R. 43–4
GST see General Systems Theory
Guatemala 112
Guba, E. 123
Gujarat, India 69–74, 79–82
Gulati, A. 334

Habermas, J. 44, 313
habitat destruction, India 201
Haiti 111–12
Hammond, - 415–16
hard systems thinking 41–2, 44, 66, 307, 316–17
Hart, R.A. 126
Hasdeo Bango Project (HBP) 74–9, 83
Hawkesbury pioneers 307
HBP see Hasdeo Bango Project
health of land 25–6
hedgerows 111–12, 261, 263, 269–71
Henderson, L.J. 38
Heong, K.L. 8–9, 236–60
herbal medicine see medicinal plants
Herrera, - 402, 405–11
heuristics 237, 249
hierarchical systems thinking 39, 44
high-input agriculture 309–10, 364–5
high yielding varieties (HYVs), crops 74–6, 78
Himachal Pradesh, India 198–9, 201–2, 204, 206,
207, 211
historical perspectives 217–24, 398, 415–16
Hodge, I. 348, 349
Hoechst Marion Roussel India 209–10
holism 37, 38, 45–6, 315–16
Honduras 112, 252
horizontal knowledge exchange 226, 228
Hossain, S.M.A. 96
household-level factors 188–9, 273, 357, 359–60
Huan, N.H. 236–60
human capital 63, 265, 276, 278–9, 383
humanities’ role 394, 421

‘human nature’ concept 405, 412–13
human systems 39–40, 42
hunger-productivity relationship 309
Hutchinson, W.G. 345
HYVs see high yielding varieties
ICRAF see International Centre for Research in
ideology of futurism 417–18
IER see Institut d’Economie Rurale
ignorance-knowledge gap 293
imagination role 422–4
extension 223
institutional change 100–1
participation for 118, 119
soil-fertility management 357
subsidy effects 325–7, 331–2
bioclimatic zones 196, 197
canal irrigation systems 69–89
People’s Biodiversity Registers 8, 195–213
watershed development projects 2, 321–36
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad 70–1
individual-level factors 15–16, 221, 225, 295
inducements see incentives
inductive learning 294
industrialized agriculture 64
informational learning 45
information recording 195, 210–11
infrastructure management 367, 374–5
adoption rate factors 255
communication 217–35
facilitation 305–7
Farmer Field Schools 190
learning and action systems 119
local externality management 332–3
paradigms 311–13, 315–16
rice pest management 238, 255
structure 153–4, 156–7
see also experimentation
input/output (I/O) relations 173, 366, 371
input subsidies 328–9, 332
see also nutrient management
costs/sales 251–3
natural farming 29–30
rice-based systems 9, 186, 189, 236–7, 240–1,
inspirational knowing 47
Institut d’Economie Rurale (IER) 376
institutional clustering 156–8, 160
analysis 388
capital investments 384
change 93–107
enabling 10–12, 303–425
global models 397, 408, 412–13
innovation 332–3
past/present/future 156–8, 160
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