Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Index 437

Lewin, Kurt 234
LGUs see local government units
Lieblein, Geir 10, 290–9
lifestyles 410, 413
linkages 73–4, 85–7, 160, 266, 277–8
literature role 423–4
livelihoods approach 261–80, 383–4, 386
livestock farming 310, 345
living resources 194–5, 200–6
see also nature
local communities 284–7
see also rural areas
local externalities management 332–3
local food economies 287–9
local government units (LGUs) 271, 278
local-level soil-fertility management 388
Long An province, Vietnam 239, 242, 244–54,
Long, N. 148–9
López, G. 112
low external-input strategies 364–5

macro-policies 382, 385, 389
macroprojects 154–7, 168
see also megaprojects
Madhya Pradesh, India 75
Mahanadi River Project (MRP) 74–9, 83
Maharashtra State, India 80, 200, 203, 329
Mahi-Kadana Project 69–74, 86–7
Mahi Right Bank (MRB) 69–74
Mai, V. 236–60
maize cultivation 268–9
Mala village 208–9
Malaysia 237–8
Mali 358, 360–2, 366–76, 379, 381, 386, 388
Malone, - 397
management practices 332–3, 356–92
see also individual practices
manipulative participation 117, 118
Manuel, - and Manual, - 418
manure 31, 207–8
Margulis, Lynn 422
market failures 323–4
marketing 366, 371
see also promotion methods
markets 138, 172, 323–4, 415
mass media see media
distribution 239, 241–2, 254
global models 403–4
Maurya, D.M. 97
MBRLC see Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Centre
Meadows, - 402, 405–12
measuring sustainability 55–6, 62
media approaches 236–60
medical schools 297
medicinal plants 194, 195, 201, 208–9
megaprojects 138–9, 154–7, 168
Mekong Delta, Vietnam 236–60
mentoring approach 297
Mesarovic, - 402, 405–12
meta-cognition 41, 46

epistemic cognition 41
farmer-first approach 101–2
Landcare Programme 264–7
People’s Biodiversity Registers 195–200
rice pest management 238–41
see also individual methods
Mezirow, J. 45–6, 290–1
Midgely, G. 40
Midwest region Agroecology programme 291–9
‘mild’ sustainability approach 58
Mindanao, Philippines 261–80
Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Centre (MBRLC)
268, 271
mislearning in irrigation systems 5–6, 69–89
Mississippi valley 17
Mitchell, - 152
mobilization of resources 172–3
modelling systems 54–5, 66, 397, 400–19
modernization period
empiricism 168–9
future-orientation 136–8
knowing systems 34, 36
structure 143, 153–4, 156, 159
variation/selection 140
modesty in innovation 153
Mohini Water Cooperative Society 79–82, 83,
monitoring surveys 239–40
see also evaluation by farmers
Montana state 281–2
Moolya, Kunjeera 208–9
moral disincentives to subsidies 326
motivation 57, 65, 203–4
MRB see Mahi Right Bank
MRP see Mahanadi River Project
Mukerji, S.P. 81
multi-actor problematic situations 223–4
multidimensional soil-fertility management 382
multifunctionality 11, 337–55
Multiple Perspectives approach 120, 121
multiple visioning 398, 419, 424
multiplier effect 248–50
Munn, - 405–11, 414
NAIPD see Ned Agro-Industrial Development
Nanj village 207
Narayan, D. 266
national agricultural research systems (NARs) 93,
98, 99, 102–3
national-level soil-fertility management 360, 379,
381, 382, 385, 389
natural capital 62–4, 383
see also nature
natural farming principles 4, 29–33
natural resource management (NRM) 205–8, 324,
natural resources..., see also nature
natural sciences 232–3
natural vegetative strips (NVS) 263, 269, 278
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