440 Policies, Processes and Institutions
constructionism 313–15
learning foundations 294, 296
ordering process 137–8, 140, 150–1, 154–5
recapitalization strategies 362–5
reclamation projects 24
recording information 195, 210–11
reductionism 37, 38, 112–13
reflective practice 291, 293
reflexive journals 124
reform of land 370, 378–80
regeneration of systems 56, 60–1, 64
regenerative agriculture 109–10, 309
regionalization policy 379
regression analyses 248
I/O relations 173
ordering process 147
social sciences 143–5
relative factor prices 305
reliability of methods 123
replicability objective 329–30
reproduction see social reproduction
approaches 86–7, 102
communication for innovation 233–4
determinants 85–6
extension 233–4
soil-fertility management 362, 368, 375–8
sustainability emphasis 393
reservoirs 69–70
resettlement practices 370, 378–80
resource analysis 71–2
resource-conserving technologies 109–12
resource-poor agriculture 93, 97–9, 103, 106
see also developing countries
resource sufficiency 5, 52, 56–7, 59–61, 62–4, 66
Revans, Reg 291
reversals 93–107
Rhoades, R.E. 96
continuous cultivation 268–9
diversified systems 184–93
dyke crops 187–8, 189–90
fish production 187, 188, 189–90
insecticides 9
natural farming 29–32
pest management changes 236–60
rights-based approach 63
risk analyses 161, 418, 419, 425
Robinson, - 416
Röling, Niels G. 10, 220–2, 230, 303–20
Rolston III, Holmes 55
rotational credit 332
rotation of
crops 343, 350, 359
water 78–9
routinization of innovations 255
Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE) 343
rural areas
conservation 281–9
development 84, 337, 340, 342, 352
industrialized agriculture 64
infrastructure 367, 374–5
People’s Biodiversity Registers 194–213
soil-fertility management 367, 374–5, 379–80
subsidies 329
tourism 84
see also local communities
rural livelihoods framework 264–9, 278–9, 383–4,
Russell, D.B. 222
Sachs, Carolyn 57–8
sales of insecticides 251–3
Salner, M. 45
SALT see Sloping Agricultural Land Technology
sampling methods 120–1, 240
Sanghi, N.K. 321–36
Sarma, P.B.S. 72
Scherr, - 381
Schneider, - 415
Scholes, J. 316
Scholes, Robert 423–4
Schön, D.A. 293
community concept 17
costs 104
extension 218–19, 232–3
farmer interaction 97, 101–2
sustainability 112–14
uncertainties 313
values 63–4
visioning futures 422–4
watershed development 327–8
science fiction writing 423–4
Scoones, Ian 11–12, 265, 356–92
SEARCA see Southeast Asian Regional Centre for
Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture
search and supply activities 99
seasonal factors, insecticide use 248, 253–5
seed production systems 186, 188
seed-sowing methods 31–2
selection concept 140, 143, 173–4
self-interest 18, 19, 21
self-mobilization 117, 118
Sen, Amartya 63
Senge, P.M. 294
service learning method 291
communication 224–31
subsidized 326–7
see also support services
SFI see Soil-Fertility Initiative
Shilimb village 203
‘sideswipes’ global model 416
Simmonds, - 397
single loop learning 126
Sinha, V.S. 80, 81
situated learning 293
size of farm regularity 144
‘skeleton’ structures 145
skills in agroecology 293, 297–8
Skowlimowski, H. 46