Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Index 531

social disruption of conservation 386–7
social life of foragers 45–6
social organization, collectivization 325–7,
329–30, 331
social pathologies 108–9
societies (agricultural) 266–7
Society for the Encouragement of Arts,
Manufactures and Commerce 266–7
society-language relationship 80–1
socioeconomic studies 347, 358–61
agronomic sustainability 359
farm acquisition 197, 200–1, 203, 204
rainfall relationship 225
soil conservation 12, 375–402
Soil Conservation Service (SCS) 378–9, 383
soil erosion 11–12, 377–80, 385–7, 463
soil fertility
eco-counties 446
eco-villages 435–6
experiments 272–4
Far East 222, 226–9
Green Revolution 293–5, 303–5
non-chemical approaches 413–15
soil quality, eco-villages 436–7
soil volume 408–9
Sollas, William 51
Songnen Plain region, China 451
songs 82
sound range of languages 87
South Africa
biotechnology 13, 477, 480, 483, 486, 488,
491, 499
hunter-gatherers 98–9
see also Southern Africa
South America
hunter-gatherers 31, 34, 36–7, 42, 44, 50, 61,
Spanish colonialism 76–9
see also individual countries; Latin America;
South Asia 44, 62, 380–1
see also Asia; individual countries; South-East
South China 452–3
South-East Asia 44, 63, 350–7
see also Asia; individual countries; South Asia
South-West China region 452
Southern Africa 13, 475–500
Southern African Development Community
(SADC) 476–98
Soviet Union 10, 44, 57, 165–6, 308–38
sovkhoz see state farms
sowing method experiments 277–8, 280
Spanish colonialism 76–9
spatial dimensions of agriculture 408–9
specialization 323–4
see also division of labour
Spring–Autumn Dynasty, China 208, 210–11
SRI see system of rice intensification
stakeholders, definition 489
Stalin, Joseph 315, 317, 321–2

standard of living in Far East 229
standardization of farming 311–12
Standish, Ralph 79
staple foods, definition 407
state farms 313, 315–16, 320
statecraft, Russia 326–30
see also collectivization; government...
Stevenson, Steve 511–12
Steward, Julian 52–3
stinting 246–7
Stites, Richard 308, 310
store foods, Innu 111–15, 118, 126
strawberries 448–9
structuralism 53–4, 90–2
Subarctic region 111, 114–15
subsidies 303, 504–5, 510
Bushmen 17–20, 29–31
definition 31
foragers 45
latitude relationship 31–2
North America 38
Old World/South America 36–7
sugarcane 217
Sui Dynasty, China 176–7, 181
suicides 108, 109, 124
surplus of food 19, 25
surveys 261–4, 268
survival rates of farms 504–6
definition 233
lessons for 283–4
simplified model 235–8
swamping of agriculture argument 507, 508–9
Swaziland 481, 486, 491
SWOT analysis 494–8
system of rice intensification (SRI) 416
Taiwan 294, 297
take-off points, yield growth 290–2, 299–301,
Tang Dynasty, China 211–15
Tanzania 383–4, 386–7, 481, 486, 491
Tasady people 65–6
taxation, Russia 319
Taylor, Frederick 311
TC see tissue culture
tea cultivation 228–9, 355–6
technocratic soil conservation model 381
17th-19th century Britain 259–89
adaptations 258–89, 391–3
ancient China 208–17
coercion with 376
Green Revolution 290–307
new opportunities 403–4
resource-poor regions 258–9
rural development 2
soil and water conservation 377–9, 381–2, 387,
389–93, 397
see also biotechnology
TEK see Traditional Ecological Knowledge
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