Nimitz, Admiral Chester 303
Nine-Power Treaty (1922) 195
Nivelle, General Robert Georges
Nixon, Richard 461, 560, 573,
783, 789–793; and Vietnam
790–792; China policy
618–619, 791; dollar
devaluation 651; and Chile 690;
global strategy 791; Watergate
791, 792–793; resignation 793
Nkomo, Joshua 755, 756, 758,
Nkrumah, Kwame 722, 731
Nkumbula, Henry 756
Nobusuke, Kishi 651
Nomura, Admiral Kichisaburo
260, 261
Noriega, General Manuel 714,
North, Oliver 820
North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) 823,
North Korea 406, 408, 658, 659,
661; and nuclear bomb 661,
North Vietnam 601–606
Northern Ireland 134–135, 140,
851, 955
Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia)
539, 756–757
Norway: in Second World War
243–244, 245; in NATO 374;
in EFTA 876; rejects EU 877
Nuclear spread 576
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
(1970) 574, 791
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963)
Nuclear spread of weapons 954
Nujoma, Sam 773–774
Nuremberg laws 224
Nuremberg trials (1945–6) 314
Nuries-Said 432, 439
Nyasaland (now Malawi) 755
Nyerere, Julius 744–745
OAU (Organisation of African
Unity) 722, 742
Obasanjo, Abacha 735
Obasanjo, Olusegum 950
Obote, Milton 742
Obucho, Keizo 655
Ochab, Edward 478
October Manifesto (1905) 44
Odinga, Oginga 746–747
Oil, Middle East 417, 425, 462,
Ojukwu, Odumegwu 733–734
Okinawa 303, 648
Ollenhauer, Erich 510
Olympic Games: (1936) 212
OPEC (Organisation of Petroleum
Exporting Countries) 716
Operation Ajax 492
Operation Barbarossa 254
Operation Gladio 549
Operation Mongoose 568, 569
Operation Musketeer 447, 448
Operation Rolling Thunder 602
Operation Sea Lion 251
Operation Torch 279, 288
Opium Wars 74
Oradour-sur-Glane 271
Orbán, Victor 894
Organisation of American States
Organisation for European
Economic Co-operation
(OECC) 368, 520
Ormsby-Gore, David 571
Ortega, Daniel 712–713
Ortega, Humberto 712–713
Osirak reactor 908
Oslo Agreement 916
Oswald, Lee Harvey 577
Ottawa Agreement (1932) 162,
Ottoman Empire 5, 7, 32, 38, 93;
dissolution 109, 123, 124
Ouku, Robert 747
Owen, Lord David 919
Owens, Jesse 212
Özal, Turgut 882
Pact of Steel (1939) 235
Pahlevi, Reza, Shah of Iran 440,
463–465, 911–912
Pakistan 394, 629; creation of
395–397; and Kashmir 397,
631, 632, 637, 638, 641;
authoritarian military rule 629,
947; division of 630;
constitution 631–634; American
aid 631, 947; conflict with India
631–632, 637, 638, 641, 948;
economy 632; political conflict
corruption 633–634, 947; East
Pakistan and Bangladesh 634;
military coup 634; and Russia
632; nuclear weapons 635; and
political development 636–637
Paléologue, Maurice 57
Palestine 124, 421, 423; as Jewish
National Home 123; Jewish
immigration to 266, 426–430;
and terrorism 335; British
mandate 426–430; Zionist and
427; Arab hostility 428–430;
and Second World War 278;
partition 434; British withdrawal
335, 434
Palestine Liberation Organisation
(PLO) 458, 904, 905, 908–909,
916, 917, 935–937
Pallocci, Antonio 703
Pan Am Flight 103 753, 904
Panama 713
Panama Canal 713, 821
Panama Canal Treaty (1977) 714
Panay, USS 256
Panmunjon 490
Papagos, Field-Marshal Alexander
Papandreou, Andreas 878, 879
Papandreou, George 878
Papen, Franz von 188, 189, 190,
Papua New Guinea 670
Paraguay 682
Paris Agreements (1954) 510
Paris Peace Conference (1919) 77,
Paris summit (1960) 499
Park Chung Hee 659
Parks, Rosa 490
Pasˇic ́, Nikola 54
Passchendaele 111
Pasternak, Boris 482
Patel, Sardar 638
Pathet Lao 559
Pauker, Anna 323
Paulus, Field-Marshal Friedrick
von 283
Pavlov, Valentin 806
Pearl Harbor 262
Pearson, Lester B. 376
Peel Report (1937) 430
Pen, Jean-Marie le 868, 870, 872
Penkovsky, Oleg 570
Peres, Shimon 910
Pérez de Cuellar, Javier 710
Perkins, Frances 167
Perón, Evita 696
Perón Juan 696
Perot, Ross 822
Pershing, General John 111
Perishing missiles 818
Persia (now Iran, q.v.) 279, 422,