A History of the World From the 20th to the 21st Century

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 164–170;
New Deal 164–167; establishes
diplomatic relations with Russia
179; and Japan 197, 255–262;
and aid to Britain 252;
‘Quarantine’ speech 258;
economic sanctions 258, 260;
Pacific policy 285; favours
assault on France 288; at
Teheran 284; pro-Chinese 286;
and ‘unconditional surrender’
287; attitude to De Gaulle 289;
and post-war frontiers 293–295;
hopes for United Nations 292;
and Lend-Lease 252; at Yalta
285, 292–293; and Germans
314; death of 296; postwar
vision 356
Roosevelt, Theodore 68–70, 714
Rostow, Walt 562, 563
Rotterdam 246
Rua, Fernando 698
Rudman, Walter 816
Ruhr 118, 130; French occupation
of 130, 138; French attempt to
detach from 343; Germany 343,
518; international control of 526
Rumsfeld, Donald 928
Runciman, Lord 231
Rushdie, Salmon 913
Rusk, Dean 562, 563, 567, 574
Empire and First World War
and Asia 46–47; alliance with
France 26; and First World
War 57–59, 89, 92, 95–9,
100–108; communist
revolution 101–108,
120–122; defeat by Japan
46; policy in Balkans 42,
46, 97; population 41; anti-
Semitism 44; peasantry
45–46; unrest and
repression 43; October
Manifesto (1905) 44; Duma
44–45, 104; provisional
government 121; outbreak
of civil war 122
Soviet Union (1918–1941)
war with Poland 133; state
planning 175–176; Western
famine relief 169; war
communism 169;
supremacy of party 169;
peasantry 170–171; terror
178; New Economic Policy

174–175; purges 178–179;
industrial transformation
175–176; collectivisation
174–177; foreign policy
179–180; distorted views of
West 179; joins League
179; non-aggression treaties
179; pact with Germany
180; and Spanish Civil War
218; Anglo-French
negotiations with 233;
invasion of Poland 242; as
German ally 253–254
Second World War
German invasion of and war
254, 279–283, 284–285,
297–298; alliance with
Britian 284; Japanese
attitude to 260; mass
murder 284; territorial
ambitions 284–285;
declares war on Japan 305;
and post-war frontiers
291–295, 319–326, 362;
and peace treaty with Japan
647; and United Nations
298–299; 357
Postwar relations with rest of
the world (1945-) 775–777
Iron Curtain 298, 334; atomic
research 363; and occupied
Germany 315–316, 363,
371, 472–475; and Cold
War 367, 371, 469–470,
491–495, 795–796; and
reparations 300, 363;
expanding empire 319–327,
343, 363, 471; and China
363, 365, 403, 484, 566,
782; and Middle East 431,
434, 451, 455, 475,
781–782, 903; Eastern
Europe 321–327, 471,
477–483, 779–781,
890–899; and Berlin crisis
373–374, 473, 483;
withdrawal from Control
Council 371; and Korea
406, 411–412; refusal to
attend Security Council
meetings 409; and West
Germany 511, 781,
900–901; and Warsaw Pact
780; repression of
Hungarian rising 479–480,
780; and Cuba 484,

567–573, 782; and East
Germany 495, 781, 902; as
Asian peacemaker 632;
invasion of Afghanistan
781, 818; and Africa 749;
new détente with America
818–819; nuclear missile
agreement 783, 817; arms
control 817
political, economic and social
developments (1945–)
post-war rebuilding the
country 319–321, 470;
terror and coercion 788;
post-Stalin collective
leadership 472–473; release
of political prisoners 481,
808; economy 784–788,
810, 811; final phases of
authoritarian rule 779–780;
reforms 784; Jews 788;
state and party structures
810–812, 949, 951; break
up of Union 808;
Commonwealth of
Independent States 808
Russian Federation 813
Russo-Japanese War (1904–5) 43,
Rwanda 741, 743; and massacres
Rykov, Aleksei 170, 172, 176
Ryzhkov, Nikolai 805

Saarland 520; returns to Germany
(1935) 210; rejoins West
Germany (1957) 509
Sacco, Nicola 141
Sadat, Anwar 461, 906, 907–908,
Sagawa scandal (1988), Japan 353
St Laurent, Louis 376
St Valentine’s Day massacre
(1929) 141
Sakharov, Andrei 803
Salan, General Raoul 526
Salandra, Antonio 96
Salazar, António de Oliviera 881
Salinas de Gortari, Carlos 716,
Salisbury, Robert Cecil, third
Marquess of 6, 391
Salonika 94
SALT I 783
SALT II 795, 817
Samuel Commission (1925) 136
Sanchez, Arias 708, 712, 713


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