283, 288; insistence on 1941
frontiers 284; and Poland
284–285, 293–294; demands in
Eastern Europe 291; at Yalta
285, 292–293, 295; and Eastern
Europe 470; terms for entering
Pacific War 295; at Potsdam
299; distrust of West 299, 469;
orders research on atomic bomb
299; and re-education of
Germans in Soviet zone 315,
316; and setting-up of German
political parties 316; and
rebuilding of post-war Russia
319–324, 471; return of terror
and coercion 319–320, 471;
economic plans 320; fear of
nationalism 321; expansion over
new territories 321–327; and
Cold War 319, 369, 469; and
China 412; and Korea 411, 412;
death, 320, 471; Khrushchev’s
denunciation of 179, 320
Stalingrad 283
‘Star Wars’ (US Strategic Defence
Initiative) 819
Stasi (security police) 840, 900
Stavisky scandal (1934) 157
Steel, David 853
Stern Gang 433
Stevenson, Adlai 486, 487, 571
Stilwell, General Joseph
Stimson, Henry 202
Stoiber, Edmund 841
Stolypin, Peter 44, 46
Strasser, Gregor 189
Strasser, Otto 188
Strauss, Franz Joseph 510, 832,
Streicher, Julius 188
Stresa Conference (1935) 210
Stresemann, Gustav 131, 138,
183, 185, 204–205
Stroessner, General Alfredo 682
Suárez, Adolfo 880
Suchoka, Hanna 892
Sudan 420, 443, 751–752, 944,
Suez Canal 432, 458; crisis (1956)
Suharto, General 596, 597, 598
Sukarno, Achmad 273, 383–384,
Sukarnoputri, Megawati 947
Sun Yat-sen 75–77
Sunningdale agreement (1973)
Suppression of Communism Act
(South Africa, 1950) 765
Suslov, Mikhail 480
Suu Kyi, Aung San 593
Suzman, Helen 763
Suzuki, Admiral 304
SWAPO (South-West Africa
People’s Organisation) 773–774
Swaziland 764
Sweden 163–164, 876; and EU
Switzerland 876
Sykes–Picot agreement (1916) 109
Syria 423, 439, 453; Six-Day War
457–459, 941; Kurds in 421;
France and 425–426; and
Second World War 426; and
Arab-Israeli war 435–437, 458;
military coup 439; and Yom
Kippur War 461; and Lebanon
909; and Gulf War 913
Taft, Robert 354, 486, 487
Taft, William Howard 68
Taft-Hartley Act (America, 1947)
Tagore, Rabindranath 391
Taiping Rebellion 74
Taisho, Emperor of Japan 84
Taiwan (Formosa) 656, 945;
Chiang Kai-shek on 398, 407;
and China 407, 618, 627–628;
and USA 497, 618, 656
Takeshita, Noboru 652
Taliban 929–930, 947
Tamil Tigers 590
Tanaka, Kakuei 651–652
Tanganyika (now Tanzania) 539,
Tannenberg, battle of (1914) 89
Tanzania 539, 744
Tardieu, André 761
Tashkent Conference (1966) 632
Taylor, Charles 737
Taylor, General Maxwell 562, 563
Teheran Conference (1943) 284
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
terrorism 904
Test Ban Treaty (1963) 574
Tet offensive (Vietnam) 584
Thailand 594, 598–599
Thatcher, Margaret 758, 854–859;
and Europe 852, 856, 857, 875,
876; and Falklands 697, 855;
policies 854, 855; and Gulf War
914; and Hong Kong 657, 856
Thorez, Maurice 158, 339
Tiananmen Square protest
Tibet 632
Tientsin 258
Timis ̧oara 896
Tirpitz, Admiral Alfred von 21, 56
Tisza, Count 56
Tito, Marshall 270, 325
Tagliatti, Palmiro 346, 347, 548,
Togo 728
Tojo, General Hideki 261
Tokes, Pastor Laszlo 896
Tokyo earthquake 84
Toledo, Alejaudro 688
Tomsky, Mikhail 172, 176
Tong, Goh Chok 657
Tonkin, Gulf of 583
Torrijos, General Omar 714
Touré, Sékou 728
Transjordan 427, 432, 435–437
Transylvania 96, 897
Trentino 96
Trieste 96
Tripartite Declaration (1950) 443,
445, 452
Tripartite Pact (1940) 260
Tripolitania 752
Trotsky, Leon 170, 172; and
Revolution 103, 122
Trudeau, Pierre 827
Truman, Harry S. 298, 354–356;
seeks Soviet-American
understanding 298, 328;
Potsdam 299; and use of atomic
bomb 299, 305; and Jewish
immigration 335; and civil rights
353, 354; and economy 354,
355, 356; strong line towards
Russia and communism 337,
372, 413; and United Nations
357; and China 357–359, 407;
and aid to Greece 366;
commitment to Europe 372,
549; and Cold War 374–375;
and Korean War 407–408,
412–413; and McCarthyism
413–414; and Palestine 335,
Truman Doctrine 337, 362, 366
Tschombe, Moise 739–740
Tsushima, battle of (1905) 43
Tubman, William 736
Tudjman, Franjo 919
Tunisia 279
Turabi, Hasgan 752