A History of the World From the 20th to the 21st Century

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Auschwitz 264
Australia 258; immigration
664–666; and Vietnam war 601,
666; racism 671–673; and
Second World War 665;
economy 666, 668, 672; foreign
policy 647, 667; domestic
policies 667–673; security
alliance with New Zealand 667
Austria: as part of Habsburg
Empire 47–52, 208; and EFTA
876; and EU 877; population
208; as separate state 123, 208;
German threat to 209; Nazi
coup 209; German annexation
227; post-war separation from
Germany 301; Russian
withdrawal from 473, 499
Austria-Hungary 47; break-up of
92, 123; and Balkan wars 46;
nationalism 47; constitution
48–49; economy 50, 51;
military power 51; foreign policy
51–52; approach to First World
War 52–57; in First World War
89, 92, 95, 98–99, 112
Austrian Treaty (1955) 473
Awami League 634
Awolowo, Obafemi 733
Ayub Khan 631, 633
Azaña, Manuel 215
Azerbaijan 803
Azikiwe, Dr Nnamdi 732–733
Aznar, José Maria 880, 931
Azócur, Patricio Aylwin 694

Badoglio, Marshal Pierro 288, 346
Baghdad Pact (1955) 444–445,
455, 631
Balcerowicz, Leszek 891
Baldwin, Stanley 136, 161, 162,
Balewa, Abubakar Tafawa 733
Balfour, Arthur 98, 427
Balfour Declaration (1917) 109,
Balkan League 47
Balkan wars 46–47
Balladur, Edouard 870
Ball, George 584
Baltic states – seeEstonia; Latvia;
Banda, Dr Hastings 756, 760–761
Bandung Conference (1955) 632
Bangladesh 634, 640
Barak, Ehud 916–917, 936
Borroso, Manuel Durâo 882

Barre, General Mohammed
Barre, Raymond 866
Barthou, Louis 207
Baruch Plan 363
Basic law (West German
constitution) 372–373, 504
Basque terrorism, ETA 879, 880
Basutoland (now Lesotho) 763
Batista, Fulgencio 493
Bavaria 116
Bay of Pigs operation (1961) 494,
Bazargan, Mehdi 466
Bech, Joseph 521
Bechuanaland (now Botswana) 764
Beck, General Ludwig 231,
Begin, Menachem 433, 906–907,
Tiananmen Square massacre
(1989) 622–623
Belaúnde, Fernando 687–688
Belgian Congo – seeZaire
Belgium: and First World War 89,
93, 94; and Second World War
246; in Benelux 371, 521; in
NATO 374; colonialism
738–739; in European
Community 520
Belgrano(Argentine cruiser) 697
Ben Bella, Ahmed 525
Ben Gurion, David 433, 435–437,
445, 449, 456
Benelux 520
Benesˇ, Eduard 230, 231, 322,
326, 370
Bengal famine 394
Berchtold, Count Leopoold 55–56
Bérégovoy, Pierre 870
Beria, Lavrenti 472
Berista, Sali 898
Berlin 513, 565, 566; Reichstag
fire (1933) 190; Olympic Games
(1936) 212; occupation 372;
blockade 371–374; disorders
(1953) 495; Four-Power
Agreement (1971) 833
Berlin Wall 566, 900; fall of 901
Berlinguer, Enrico 844
Berlusconi, Silvio 847–848
Bernadotte, Count Folke 436
Bessarabia 293
Betancourt, Rómulo 703
Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von
22, 56, 92, 96–97; and First
World War 20–22, 54, 56, 57, 59

Bevan, Aneurin 330
Beveridge Report (1942) 329, 330
Bevin, Ernest 278, 300, 365; as
foreign secretary 300, 334–337;
and Palestine 335, 431, 433;
and Western Europe defence
371; and death 536
Bhutto, Benazir 635–636
Bhutoo, Zulfikar Ali 633–634
Biafra 733
Bidault, Georges 371
Bierut, Boleslaw 478
Biko, Steve 767, 772
Bismarck, Otto von 18, 22
Black Hand 54
Blair, Anthony Charles Lynton
(‘Tony’) 861–863, 951–952;
and Iraq 930, 932–933
‘blank cheque’ (1914) 56
Blix, Hans 931
Blum, Léon 140, 157–159
Boer War 4, 763
Bohr, Nils 277
Bokassa, Colonel Jean-Bedel 743
Bolger, Jim 677–678
Bolivia 682
Bongo, Omar 729
Bonnet, Georges 230
Bor-Komorowski, General
Tadeusz 271
Bormann, Martin 298
Bose, Subhas Chandra 273, 394
Bosnia crisis (1909) 46, 52; and
1992 conflict 918
Bosnia-Herzegovina 46
Bossi, Umberto 847, 848
Botha, P. W. 768
Botswana 763
Bouchard, Lucien 828
Bourassa, Robert 827
Boxer rising (1900) 6
Brandt, Willy 513, 831, 833–834
Brazil 684, 699–703, 949
Brazzaville Conference (1944) 726
Brest-Litovsk, Peace of (1918) 97,
Bretton Woods 331–332,
Brezhnev, Leonid 264, 461,
Brezhnev Doctine 780
Briand, Aristide 132, 138
Briand-Kellogg Treaty (1928) 142
36, 422, 724, 729–733,


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