Appendix II
Curative Asanas for Various Diseases
After working for^25 years as a teacher, I am giving groups of asanas
for different functional and organic ailments and diseases, based on
experiences with my pupils.
I have listed a number of asanas under each complaint, so it is
advisable to seek the guidance of an experienced teacher and to adopt
them according to one's ability, suppleness of body and constitution.
When practising asanas it is important to use common sense and to
watch the reactions of your body, thereby judging the time that you
stay in them.
Utthita Triko�asana (4 and 5); Pariv�tta Triko�asana (6 and 7) ; Utthita
Parsvakonasana (8 and 9); Parivrtta Parsvakonasana (ro and II);
Virabhad�asana I, II & III (14, I5
and 17); Ardha Chandrasana (I9);
Parsvottanasana (26); Padangusthasana (44); Pada Hastasana (46);
Uttanasana (48); Salamba S1r�a��na. and cycle (I 84 to 2 I 8); Salamba
Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 27I); Jatara Parivartanasana (275);
Paripoorna Navasana (78); Ardha Navas�na (79); Urdhva Prasarita
(276 to 279); Janu-S1rsasana (127); Parivrtta Janu
S1r�asana (132); Paschimottanasana (I6o); Mar1chyasana i, II & III
(I44, I46 and 303); Ardha Matsyendrasana I, II & III (3 II, 330 and
332); Pasasana , (328); Paripoorna. Matsyendrasana (336); Yoganidr-
asana (391); Salabhasana (6o); Dhanurasana (63); Bhujangasana I
(73); Mayiirasana (354); Urdhva Dhanurasana (486) and U<;i<;i1yana
(Section 20I).
S1r�asana and cycle (184 to 218); Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 27 1);
Paschimottanasana (16o); Uttanasana (48); Ujjay1 Prar:tayama; Na91
Sodhana Pranayama without Kumbhaka (retention) for 2 to 3 months.
After 3 mon
ths do Antarkumbhaka (inhalation retention). Savasana
(592) whenever possible from IO to I 5 minutes at a stretch.
Utthita and Parivrtta. Trikonasana. (4, 5, 6 and 7) ; Utthita and Parivrtta.