Appendix II 497
Salamba Si'r�asana I (I84) ; Sala,mba Sarvangasana I (234); ljalasana
(244); Paschimottanasana (I6o) ; Sanmukhi Mudra ' (Io6); Nadi' Sodhana.
Prai_layama (Section 205) without retention; Savasana (592).
Si'r�asana and whatever possible in the cycle (I 84 to 2 I 8); Sarvangasana
and whatever possible in the cycle (234 to 27I); standing positions (4 to
36); if possible Padmasana and cycle (I04 to I24); Vlrasana (89); Supta
Vi'rasana (96); Paryankasana (97); Parighasana (39); Garuc;Iasana (56);
Gomukhasana (8o); Utta!_lasana (48); Paschimottanasana (I6o) ; Ubhaya
Padangu��hasana (I67); Akari_la Dhanurasana (I73 and I75); Krounch
asana (I42); Mari'chyasana III (303); Ardha Matsyendrasana I (3II);
Malasana I & II (32I and 322); Pasasana (328); Yogadai_lc;iasana (456);
Bhekasana (Ioo) ; Supta Bhekasana (458); MUlabandhasana (462);
Vamadevasana I & II (465 and 466) ; Kandasana (470); Hanumanasana
Halitosis (Bad breath)
Si'rsasana and cycle (I84 to 2I8); Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 27I);
Uttanasana (48); Ja�ara Parivartanasana (275); Paschimottanasana
(I6o); Simhasana I & II (� 09 and no); Ujjayi (Section 203), Nac:fi·
Sodhana (Section 205) and Sltali Pranayama. (6oi); Uddi'yana.. (Section
(While doing asanas and Prai_layama, open the mouth, extend the
tongue and curl it upwards so that the tip is pushed towards and brought
close to the glottis throughout the practices. This not only removes the
foul smell but also quenches the thirst. It is called Kaka Mudra in
Yoga. Kaka means a crow and mudra a symbol.)
Hamstring muscles •
All the standing positions (4 to 36); Salamba Si"r�as:ma and whatever
possible in the cycle (I 84 to 2 I 8); Salamba Sarvangasana and whatever
possible in the cycle (234 to 27I); Ja�ara Parivartanasana (275); Supta
Padangu��hasana (284 to 287); Anantasana (290); Paschimottanasana
(160) ; Poorvottanasana - (I7I); Baddha Konasana. (IOI); Upavistha..
Konasana. (I51); Akarna. Dhanurasana , (173 and I75); Kiirmasana - (363
and 364); Ustrasana (41-); Salabhasana (6o); Dhanurasana (63); Urdhva
Dhanurasana (486 and 487); Dwipada Viparita Dandasana (516);
Mandalasana.. (525 to 535); Ardha Matsyendrasana I (3II); Malasana
II (322); Pasasana (328); Hanumanasana (475); Samakoi_lasana (477);
Supta Trivikramasana (478).