Understand this law and you will then know, beyond room for
the slightest doubt, that you are constantly punishing yourself for
every wrong you commit and rewarding yourself for every act of
constructive conduct.
There are people who believe that the Golden Rule philosophy is
nothing more than a theory and that it is in no way connected with
an immutable law. They have arrived at this conclusion because of
personal experience wherein they rendered service to others without
enjoying the benefits of direct reciprocation.
How many have not rendered service to others that was neither
reciprocated nor appreciated? I am sure that I have had such an experi-
ence, not once but many times, and I am equally sure that I will have
similar experiences in the future. But I will not discontinue rendering
service to others merely because they neither reciprocate nor appreciate
my efforts. And here is the reason:
When I render service to another, or indulge in an act of kindness,
I store away in my subconscious mind the effect of my efforts, which
may be likened to the charging of a battery. By and by, if I indulge
in a sufficient number of such acts I will have developed a positive,
dynamic character that will attract people who harmonize with or
resemble my own character. Those whom I attract to me will recipro-
cate the acts of kindness and the service that I have rendered others,
thus the law of compensation will have balanced the scales of justice
for me, bringing back from one source the results of service that I
rendered through an entirely different source.
You have often heard it said that a salesperson's first sale should
be to themself, which means that unless they first convince themself
of the merits of their wares they will not be able to convince others.
Here again is this same law of attraction. Enthusiasm is contagious,