not too much, but enough to provide
some anti-inflammatory benefits.
We’ve already made huge inroads on that
first step by eliminating all seed oils. Now,
let’s talk about another whole-food source of
PUFAs that, if consumed in excess, could
provide too much omega-6 and total PUFA in
the diet: nuts and seeds.
Nuts and seeds contain a varying amount
of polyunsaturated fats—anywhere from 2
percent (macadamia nuts) all the way up to 72
percent (walnuts). But please note, there is a
significant difference between eating raw,
minimally processed nuts and seeds and
highly refined seed oils. Raw nuts and seeds
contain a wide range of micronutrients, many
of which act as antioxidants. So as long as the
nuts and seeds have not been extensively
heated or refined, these antioxidants should
help to prevent oxidation before consumption.
In addition, unlike refined seed oils, nuts and