The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

I ended up taking him back. He apologized, sort of, and
sent me gifts, and I felt terrible about everything, and we got
back together.
I felt like maybe it was my fault, because I was
intoxicated. Maybe I wasn’t listening. Maybe I was doing
too much wrong. So maybe it was my fault. ͳat’s how I felt
at the time.
I know, I know. You’re right. I should not have taken him
back. It’s easy to sit here now and evaluate this and see I
made the wrong decision. I know that.
But it wasn’t easy for me, at the time. A lot of women
who suĉer physical violence go through this. You get in a
bad relationship, and you don’t—or you can’t—mnd your
way out. It’s easy to talk about leaving him. It’s hard to do it.
Part of you really thinks it will get better, and he said it
Obviously, it didn’t get better.
One night at the Laugh Factory, a bunch of friends from
high school came in and saw the show and had a great time.
Afterwards, we went next door, and they had drinks. I didn’t
have any drinks because I had to drive seventy miles home,
I just danced around. I got home about 2:30 a.m. and I
hadn’t called him to tell him I was going to be out with
them or anything. He was very upset.

Ex-Husband: “Where  the fuck    was you at?”

Tiffany:     “I  was     with    my  high    school  friends,    they
showed up to the show to surprise me! Man, it would
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