Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology
S Hata, H Kouchi, I Suzuka, T Ishii. Isolation and characterization of cDNA clones for plant cyclins. EMBO J 10:2681–2688, 1991 ...
tinctive transcriptional oscillation in synchronized tobacco BY-2 cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 93:4868–4872, 1996. J-P Reich ...
pendent kinase casade and G1/S cell cycle progression in human diploid fibroblast. Biochim Biophys Acta 1310:1149–1156, 1996. M ...
R Huntley, S Healy, D Freeman, P Lavender, S de Jager, J Greenwood, J Makker, E Walker, M Jackman, Q Xie, AJ Bannister, T Kouza ...
CH Keith, R Ratan, FR Maxfield, A Bajer, ML Shelanski. Local cytoplasmic calcium gradients in living mi- totic cells. Nature 31 ...
J Bowser, ASN Reddy. Localization of a kinesin-like calmodulin-binding protein in dividing cells of Ara- bidopsisand tobacco. P ...
F Sala, MG Galli, G Pedrali-Noy, S Spadari. Synchronization of plant cells in culture and in meristems by aphidicolin. Methods ...
12 Chlorophyll Biosynthesis During Plant Greening Benoît Schoefs University of South Bohemia, Budejovice, Czech Republic* 265 I. ...
ALA using the C-5 pathway (reviewed in Refs. 7 and 9). This pathway starts with the activation of glu- tamate by a transfer RNA ...
ever, one exception: the light-dependent NADPH:Pchlide oxidoreductase (LPOR, EC This en- zyme has two amazing propert ...
A. Chl Formation in Plants Growing in Conditions Similar to the Natural Ones Using radiolabeled precursors, it was shown that th ...
eration of photoactive Pchlide occurring during Chlide liberation [29]. If the spectroscopic properties of C670–675are well defi ...
mation [53]. Once the reaction reverted, C678–690can be transformed back to C684–696in the dark, which can be transformed again ...
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii[78], and pea [79], which contain only one LPOR gene. In dark-grown leaves, LPORA is usually more abund ...
Plastids from dark-grown pine cotyledons are differentiated into grana and thylakoids and also con- tain a PLB (reviewed in Ref. ...
than 40%. In these conditions, C684–696is preferentially formed. This suggests that C684–696formation (see Secs. III.B and III.C ...
the transcription of small subunit Rubisco [128], and cabgene transcription (reviewed in Ref. 129) as well as the expression of ...
TW Griffiths. Reconstitution of chlorophyllide formation by isolated membranes. Biochem J 174:681–692, 1978. LA Eichacker, J So ...
B El Hamouri, C Sironval. A new non-photoreducible protochlorophyll(ide)-protein P649-642: NADPH me- diation of its transformat ...
B Schoefs, F Franck. Photosystem II assembly in 2-day-old bean leaves during the first 16 hrs of greening. C R Acad Sci Paris 3 ...
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