Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
ually worships Denier would give thanks to Sune after a successful coming-out party for her son. Even priests of particular gods ...
r - THE FAERUNIAN PANTHEON Deity Alignment Domains Symbol Akadi, goddess of air N Tempest Cloud Amaunator, god of the sun LN Lif ...
22 THE DWARVEN PANTHEON Deity Abbathor, gad of greed Berronar Truesilver, goddess of hearth and home Clangeddin Silverbeard, god ...
THE ELVEN PANTHEON Deity Alignment Domains Symbol Aerdrie Faenya, goddess of the sky CG Tempest, Trickery Bird silhouetted again ...
THE GNOMISH PANTHEON Deity Domains Nature Symbol Baervan Wildwanderer, god of woodlands Face of a raccoon Baravar Cloakshadow, g ...
their faults. Still, for the next few decades, the cult of Asmodeus struggled for acceptance. In the beliefs of the people of th ...
speech, and cramped, ink-stained fingers. Wizards invoke Azuth when they scribe scrolls, inscribe magic circles, attempt to memo ...
More formal shrines to Beshaba exist in places where folk frequently hope to ward off misfortune. These sites tend to be posts o ...
warning that intrigues and infighting have gotten out of hand in a noble household; and married couples know to seek advice .fro ...
their folds gears, locks, hooks, and bits of steel, tin, and wood that might prove useful in a pinch. They also wear belts of la ...
is given credit. When one hears three rolls of thunder in succession, it is thought to be a sign from Hoar that some act of.veng ...
THE LEGEND OF KNUCKLEBONES, SKULL BOWLING, AND THE EMPTY THRONE Long ago there was but one god of strife, death, and the dead, a ...
proper afterlife. Kelemvor's priests teach that those who revere the gods according to the rites of their religion have done t,h ...
LLIIRA Our Lady of joy, joybringer, the Mistress of Revels Lliira is a beloved goddess, a deity of contentment, re- lease, joy, ...
games. Ordinary folk pray to him to avert his eyes from their valuables, but the cautious sometimes employ "Mask's purse," a sma ...
that left-handedness is more often associated with great artistic ability and the belief that the greatest art comes from the of ...
faith are individual temples or small networks of allied temples, much in the manner of other faiths. THE RED KNIGHT The Lady of ...
the goddess of night, secrets, loss, and forgetfulness. She represents pains hidden but not forgotten, and ven- geances .careful ...
far to walk to, a small shrine to Sune often stands near a street corner. These sites consist of a mirror hung beneath a small r ...
Tempus teach that war conducted properly is fair in that it oppresses all sides equally, and that in any given battle,a mortal m ...
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