Descent into Avernus
60 GROUP 3: DEVILISH BRIGANDS A spioed devil leads three human brigands (use the bandit captain stat block to represent them) on ...
MllP 2 .2: HtGM HllLL CllTMEORAl H4. PRIVATE CHAPELS These areas can be curtained off for small private cer- emonies. Each of th ...
1 square= 10 feet D , ' , ~ "~ DowntoH2 MAP 2.3: HIGH HALL CATHEDR Ai., C H O IR LEVEL H7. P IPE ORGAN The circular stairs from ...
MAP 2. 4 : HIGH HALL CATACOMBS Hl3. HA LL OF SCHOLARS This crypt holds the bones of those who served Torm and Elturel through th ...
TOME OF THE CREED RESOLUTE These crypts house the remains of numerous worship· ers and servants of Torm interred over the past c ...
GIDEON LIGHTWARD Gideon Lightward was a priest of Lathaoder who served Elturel and his deity proudly. Zariel saw that his fervor ...
66 EXPLORING THE CEMETERY The section describes locations in the city's ceme- tery- both the chapel and the areas around it (are ...
This area of the chapel was used for funeral services for esteemed political and military leaders of Elturel. If a creature knee ...
68 the unending demonic tide, while chastising Helm, Torm, Tyr, Lathander, and their angelic servitors for not doing the same. G ...
A quasit named Ophurkh was the first demon to come through the portal in area Gl2, acting as a scout. A steadfast servant of Bap ...
ULDER RAVENGARD Medium humanoid (human), neutral Armor Class 20 (plate, shield) Hit Points 11 2 (15d8 + 45) Speed 25 ft. STR 17 ...
of demon or demonic aUy. A good explanation- that Ravengard is actually a great demon hunter, that he has trapped a demon the ch ...
72 THE PATH FORWARD With the forces of evil defeated, Grand Duke Ravengard regains his faculties and can relay the story of the ...
IMPROVISED EQUIPMENT Enterprising and creative players might want their characters to find or create equipment to assist them in ...
74 UIDED BY LULU THE HOLLYPHANT AND discoveries made in Elturel, the characters trek across Avernus, the first layer of the Nine ...
WHAT Is AVERNUS? Avernus serves as tbe front line of the great clash be- tween the evil forces of chaos and law known as the Blo ...
VISITORS TO AVERNUS Extraplanar travelers come to Avernus from time to time. Such visitors include war profiteers looking to get ...
Unless immune to the river's effects, a creature that drinks from the Styx or e nters the river is targeted by a feeblemind spel ...
DEMONlCHOR Demon ichor is what remains behind after a demon dies. It's a reduction of demonic blood, viscera, and bodily fluids ...
MAP 3 ,1; AVERN US is usually simple and straightforward, and always for the benefit of the archdevil who struck the deal. Sampl ...
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