Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


' This is an austere room, like other similar chambers. A

stone coffer stands in the northeast corner, and an iden-
tical one rests in the northwest corner. The lids to these
coffers lie on the floor between piles of stone-working
tools, chunks of chiseled stone, and debris.

The slaves are using this room to store tools and the un-
wanted stone from their work.


This room has a plain stone floor, walls, and ceiling. Two
rows of meta l racks run almost the entire length of the
room from east to west; they are set parallel and about
six feet apart, leaving a passage between them. A large
number of spears, tridents, and other weapons are ar-
rayed on these racks.
Two large closed coffers sit to either side of the south-
ern archway.

This room is used to store weapons for the sahuagin
troops currently in area 60. The armory contains the
following items:

  • Sixty spears

  • Thirty tridents

  • Ten glaives

  • Twenty warharnmers
    The coffers are not locked. They contain seventy-five
    daggers with scabbards.

This room of plain stone construction contains coils of
rope and heaps of animal hides scattered on the floor. A
few metal nails lie between the piles.

This room contains unsorted supplies for the constr uc-
tion of the upper level. None of it has any value except to
the s laves.


i This room of plain stone construction contains o rganized
heaps of metal nails, hooks, and b uckles, a long with
some leather belts and straps on the floor.

This room holds additional supplies for the improve-
ment of the fortress.





This chamber is accessed by three archways leading into
it from the north, east, and west. A stone bench runs
along the south wall. Set in the north wall, opposite the
west a rchway, is a metal gate that closes off an opening
to the north. A mechanism consisting of a wheel, chains,
a nd various pulleys is attached to the east wall.

Unless they were called to help in areas 1 and 2, five
sahuagin, two s ahuagin coral smashers (see appendix
C). and two sahuagin priestesses occupy th is room.
From this chamber, the characters can hear faint
hammering sounds arising from the s outheast, unless
work has been stopped and the slaves working in area
19 have bee n confined there.
Development. The sahuagin in area 19 hear sounds
of battle that come from this area, investigating within 5
minutes (see area 19 for more information).
Metal Gate. A bronze gate is currently closed (down).
It can be ra ised and lowered by a pulley mechanism
fastened to the east wall. Under normal circumstances,
it takes 3 rounds to raise or lower the gate, but an emer-
gency device can drop the raised gate in a split second
(not audible in any of the occupied areas on this level).
The gate (AC 18, 50 hit points, damage threshold 14)
can be forced open by a character who makes a success-
ful DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check.

    If the characters look into this room from the other side
    of the gate, read:

' A long, narrow room stretches beyond the gate, with four
pillars equally spaced north to south.

If they pass through the gate, continue with:

f To your right, along the east wall runs a shallow trough
cut into the stone floor. This channel is stained and
traces of a brown liquid shine wetly.
To your left, along the west wall, dozens of manacles
hang from the wall at waist height.

The slaves that have been toiling to enlarge and alter
the fortress for their sahuagin captors spend their few
hours of rest in he re. At one time, forty slaves served in
the stronghold, as attested to by the forty pairs of chains
equally spaced along the wall. As the construction work
nears its end, the sahuagin have disposed of all but a
few workers. Most of the slaves were sacrificed in the
s ummoning ritual performed by high priestess Thadrah.
Food for th e slaves. in the form of a light brown, wa-
tery gruel, is poured into the trough from time to time,
though the slaves are not given utensils of any sort and
must do their best with their hands.

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