MEDICINAL PLANTS in Folk Tradition
soothing burns and scalds. The only records of that traced for certain from Britain are from south-eastern Wales.^50 Inthose two ...
Asplenium trichomanes Linnaeus maidenhair spleenwort temperate zones, tropical mountains Long and widely promoted by learned aut ...
Pteridophytes and Conifers 63 DRYOPTERIDACEAE Dryopteris filix-mas (Linnaeus) Schott, in the broad sense male-fern Eur ...
nevertheless suggestive that the numerous records for that are all from the ‘Celtic fringe’ and that it has been used in Ireland ...
helped but decline in use proportionately as a source of folk remedies. Relics of that use that have been recorded there are the ...
ing an infusion was normally deemed sufficient, the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford has in its collections sprigs of the plant whic ...
Pteridophytes and Conifers 67 TAXACEAE Taxus baccata Linnaeus yew Europe, mountains of central Asia and North Africa, ...
68 Notes IFC S 506: 229 Logan, 124; IFC S 593: 43 Page, 22 IFC S 50: 458 Moore 1855, 35 Ó hEithir Threlkeld 35.Journal of Botan ...
69 8 CHAPTER 5 Water-lilies, Buttercups and Poppies Dicotyledonous flowering plants in the orders (and families) Nymphaeales (Ny ...
cure—a use for water-lily roots according to a recipe written on the back of an early eighteenth-century account at Inverary Cas ...
ered only country folk had bodies robust enough to stand its strength. Fatal- ities are even recorded. In one such case, in Wilt ...
Ranunculus bulbosus Linnaeus bulbous buttercup Europe, Middle East, North Africa; introduced into North America, New Zealand The ...
Irish uses seem to have been largely different. Apart from a repeat of the southern English cure for warts in Louth,^32 those re ...
Ranunculus ficaria Linnaeus Ficaria verna Hudson lesser celandine, pilewort, pileweed Europe, western Asia; introduced into Nort ...
Water-lilies, Buttercups and Poppies 75 Kent)^53 for cleaning teeth. In Norfolk an infusion of the flowers has even be ...
Thalictrum minus Linnaeus lesser meadow-rue Eurasia, Alaska; introduced into New Zealand Widespread round the coast of Scotland, ...
Papaveraceae Papaver Linnaeus poppy northern temperate zone; introduced into Australasia Not only was no distinction apparently ...
Cornfield poppies have served as a soporific in the Isle of Man^72 and the Scottish Lowlands.^73 However, they feature in the fo ...
and Monmouthshire) and become so widely incorporated into folk use that it would be invidious to exclude it from mention. Like o ...
erset^93 and Gloucestershire.^94 As an astringent it has found favour for remov- ing wrinkles (East Riding of Yorkshire^95 ) and ...
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