MEDICINAL PLANTS in Folk Tradition
be wild turnip,Brassica rapa Linnaeus), its juice was drunk in Limerick as a spring tonic to keep the system free of diseases fo ...
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Linnaeus) Sprengel 6 bearberry northern Eurasia and North America, and mountains to their south ( ...
heart in Clare^185 ;coughs in Wicklow^186 and asthma in Tipperary^187 ;rheuma- tism in Cavan^188 and ‘a bad stomach’ in Limerick ...
in Wales^199 for poulticing a sore throat and in Cumbria^200 as an ingredient in an infusion helping to produce an inhalant. In ...
with other herbs rather more often than it is employed on its own. In further sharp contrast to Britain, the only Irish record p ...
erick^245 and—combined with primroses, a unique use of those for this pur- pose—Cork.^246 With two exceptions the other uses tra ...
Anagallis arvensis Linnaeus scarlet pimpernel worldwide except tropics Though a common weed over much of the British Isles and s ...
case have been drawing on local folk usage (they recommended it for fevers, abdominal complaints, profuse menstruation and feste ...
botanist. So sure indeed was the latter that it was this species being referred to (pointed out to him by a local farmer) that h ...
130 Notes Woodruffe-Peacock Vickery MSS Collyns Quayle, 69 Hatfield MS Quincy, 112 Collyns IFC S 657: 160 Moore MS Maloney IFC ...
St John’s-worts to Primulas 131 IFC S 521: 149 IFC S 921: 90 McGlinchey, 86 IFC S 170: 203, 259 IFC S 770: 63 IFC S 7 ...
132 Notes 220.Notes and Queries,ser. 8, 7 (1895), 86 Taylor 1929, 118 Beith IFC S 826: 62 IFC S 746: 57, 64 McGlinchey, 83 IFC ...
133 CHAPTER 8 Currants, Succulents and Roses Dicotyledonous flowering plants in the order Rosales and families Grossu- lariaceae ...
certain habitats, especially fens and wet woods. Even if that view is correct, however, the plants were probably always too scar ...
Currants, Succulents and Roses 135 have been treasured as much, if not more, for employment as a medicine. At what per ...
very markedly so and particularly characteristic of southern Wales (Brec- knockshire, Glamorgan and Carmarthenshire^5 ) though r ...
and more distantly, Devon.^22 Could these two distribution patterns be the legacy of population movement between Wales and Irela ...
Sedum telephium Linnaeus Hylotelephium telephium (Linnaeus) Ohba orpine, live-long northern temperate zone (Folk credentials que ...
ford^59 as a remedy for ridding the system of worms. It has also been valued in Westmeath for kidney trouble.^60 Sedum anglicum ...
was referring to a local use or whether the information was second-hand, taken from some printed source, possibly even a German ...
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