Yoga Anatomy
InsIde the asanas 69 sation of stretching, but for others there will not be a sensation of stretching until far past an appropri ...
6 CHAPTER STANDING POSES W hen you stand, you bear weight on the only structures in the body that have specifi - cally evolved t ...
E5267/Kaminoff/fig6.1a/417615/alw/pulled-r1 Tadasana Mountain Pose tah-DAHS-anna tada = mountain E5267/Kaminoff/fig6.1a/417615/a ...
Skeletal joint actions Spine Upper limbs Lower limbs Neutral extension or mild axial extension Neutral extension, forearm pronat ...
From underneath, the two triangles of the feet can be joined to show the size and shape of the base of support for tadasana. The ...
E5267/Kaminoff/fig6.5a/417622/alw/pulled-r3 Abductor hallucis Flexor digitorum brevis Abductor digiti minimi Flexor hallucis lon ...
Tadasana Variation Samasthiti Equal Standing, Prayer Pose sama = same, equal; sthiti = to establish, to stand E5267/Kaminoff/fig ...
Notes Samasthiti has a wider base than tadasana because the feet are placed with the heels under the sitting bones (or wider) ra ...
Utkatasana Chair Pose, Awkward Pose OOT-kah-TAHS-anna utkata = awkward E5267/Kaminoff/fig6.10/417630/alw/pulled-r2 Tibialis ante ...
Notes Shortness in the latissimus dorsi will interfere with lifting the arms overhead. Overly arching the lumbar spine or overly ...
Uttanasana Standing Forward Bend OOT-tan-AHS-anna ut = intense; tan = stretch E5267/Kaminoff/fig6.11a/417631/alw/pulled-r2 Gastr ...
Notes The less the hips can flex in this pose, the more spinal flexion occurs. Tightness in the hamstrings, spinal muscles, and ...
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Extended Hand–Toe Pose oo-TEE-tah HA-sta pad-an-goosh-TAHS-anna utthita = extended; hasta = hand; ...
Skeletal joint actions Spine Upper limbsLower limbs Lifted arm Standing legLifted leg Neutral spine, level pelvis Shoulder flexi ...
Notes Tightness in the hamstrings or gluteus maximus in the lifted leg can cause spinal flexion by pulling on the pelvis and tip ...
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Variation With Spine Flexed E5267/Kaminoff/fig 6.13C/421789/JG/R1 Notes In this variation on utthi ...
Vrksasana Tree Pose vrik-SHAHS-anna vrksa = tree E5267/Kaminoff/fig6.14/417637/alw/pulled-r1 Tensor fasciae latae Vastus lateral ...
Skeletal joint actions Spine Upper limbs Lower limbs Standing legLifted leg Neutral spine, level pelvis Slight shoulder flexion ...
Notes As in the previous pose, abductors on the standing leg are working eccentrically; if they are weak or tight, the hip of th ...
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