Destiny Disrupted

(Ann) #1

Assassins, Cult of, 129-131, 142-143,
146, 155
Assyrians, 6
Aswan Dam, 325, 326
Atatiirk, 30 1-304
Atlantic Charter, 333
Attila, 150
Aurnn~b, 194-195,231
Austro-Hungarian Empire, 282, 292,
Ayatollah definition, 229
Ayesha, 31,61-63, 113-114
Azam Khan, Prince, 262-263
Azzam, Abdullah, 332

Ba'ath party, 313, 326, 327-328, 331,
332, 344, 346
Ba'ath Socialist Party, 330-331
Babur, 189-191, 219
Babylon/Babylonian empires, 6, 7
Bacon, Frnncis, 211
Badr battle, 26, 27, 55
building, 87-88
during Abbasid age, 88-89
Mongols' destruction/killings,
155-156, 172
Baldwin, King of Edessa, 142
Balfour, Arthur James, 298, 313
Balshazzar, 6-7
Banna, Hassan al-, 268, 308-309,
Banu Hashim clan, 18, 83, 295
Banu Qurnyza, 27-28
Barnka of Mohammed, 71
Barbarossa, Frederick, 147
Basilic cannon, 175
Battle of the Camel, 61-63
Battle of the Moat, 27-28, 55
Bayazid I, 173-174, 179, 180
Baybars, Zahir, 156, 157

Bearden, Milton, 347
Behistun, 8
Bektash, 169
Berke, 157
Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 343
Bin Laden, Osama, 332, 344, 351
Bismarck, Otto von, 281
Bolsheviks, 292, 299, 304
Book ofKin[f, The (Shanama/Firdausi),
124-125, 186, 188
Book of Unity, The (Kitab-al-
Tawhid/Abdul Wahhab), 255
Borsoki, al-, 143
Boyle, Robert, 211
British Petroleum (BP), 315
Buddhism, 11, 12, 13, 23, 99, 117, 165
Bukhari, 95-96
Bush, George W., administrntion, 349,
Buyid family, 122-123
Byzantine Empire/Byzantines, 14-15,
15(fig.), 43, 47

Caesar, Julius, 12, 13
Calligrnphy, 114, 188, 197
Camel, Battle of, 61-63
Canning, Stratford, 287
Capitulations to Europeans, 285-287
Catherine the Great, 236
Chaldeans, 6-7
Chaldirnn battle, 187-188, 219
Charlemagne, 124, 203
Chemistry foundations, 102, 211
Chengez Khan
background/description, 150,
151-152, 154
invasions, 151, 152-153, 160, 185
before Islam, 3, 4, 12
industrialization/labor and, 270-271
Mongols and, 150, 151
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