Destiny Disrupted

(Ann) #1


Nationalism (continued)
Turkey, 302
U.S. Civil War and, 282-283
See also Arab nationalism; Pan-Arab
nationalism; Zionism
Nebuchadnezzar, 6
Nelson, Lord, 241
Newton, Isaac, 211
Night of Power (Lailut al-Qadr), 23
9/11 attacks/effects, xvii, 347, 349,
351-352, 355
Nineveh, 6
Nizam al-Mulk, 127-129, 132
Non-Aligned Movement, 266, 326
Nuruddin, 144-145, 146

Occultation, 184
Occupied Territories, 329, 332
1973 embargo, 341-342
democracy and, 335-336
foreigners' control, 314-316
nationalizing industry, 334
politics of, 334-335
social impacts, 335-338, 342
technocracy vs. traditional economy,
uses, 315, 316, 335
See also specific countries
Old Man of the Mountains, 142
death, 47, 51-52
description/background, 21, 31, 36,
40-41, 81
as successor/beliefs, 33, 40, 41-44,
73, 94, 96, 114
"The One," philosophical concept,
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries), 341-342

Orthodox Christianity, 14, 205, 235
Othman (khalifa)
assassination/ murderers, 59, 60, 61, 62
background/description, 21, 53-55
as successor/beliefs, 33, 52, 55-59,
73, 75
Othman (Ottoman), 172
Ottoman Empire
architecture, 180, 194
Armenians, 179, 288-290
beginnings, 172
Constantinople and, 175-177
devshirme program, 173, 180,
Eastern Orthodox community in, 179
European friction, 220
expansion of territory, 173-178, 183
guilds/Sufis connection, 168, 182,
janissaries, 173, 177, 180, 222-223
Jews move to, 178-179
millet system, 178-179,290
nationalism, 282, 291-292
ruler as khalifa, 183
Safavids of Persia and, 183, 187-188
secular modernism, 261, 287-288,
social order, 178-182
Sufism, 168, 169-172, 178,
tax system!" farms," 180-181,
Timur's victory, 173-17 4, 179
See also specific areas/countries
Ottoman Empire decline
capitulations to Europeans, 285-287
constitutionalism conflict, 288, 290,
corruption/bribes, 224-226
Deportation Act, 293-294
expansion cessation, 222-223
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